pacificclimate / pycds

An ORM representation of the PCDS and CRMP database
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Query for materialized view `collapsed_vars_mv` is likely wrong #180

Closed rod-glover closed 8 months ago

rod-glover commented 1 year ago

This matview now contains rows with column vars with almost certainly undesirable values such as

lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amountt: sum within months t: mean over years, ...

This is probably due to an unanticipated (but valid) change in the content of the cell_method column for some variables, which means the query for this view/matview is wrong.

At present, he conversion of each contributing cell_method column is expressed in SQLAlchemy by func.regexp_replace(Variable.cell_method, "time: ", "_", "g"). The intention of that replacement is apparently to create a conventional programming-language identifier. The obvious generalization would be to allow for any dimension preceding a colon (so, e.g., "t:"), and to replace all spaces with underscores. That generalization would still not handle all cases, but it would handle many more; it might also produce unfeasibly long identifiers.

Investigate, determine correct query, and create a migration to update the matview.

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

Let's consider what CollapsedVariables (collapsed_vars_mv, hereafter CV) is for.

In turn, let's consider what CrmpNetworkGeoserver (crmp_network_geoserver, herafter CNG) is for.



jameshiebert commented 9 months ago

Getting rid of code... I like it!

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

Key question: How should we update CV to support the driving use case, #50?


The problem in pdp_util is a SQLAlchemy clause of the following form:


We need to replace it with an expression over all variables for a given (station) history of the form variable_tags(Variable).contains(array(['climatology'])).

CrmpNetworkGeoserver.vars is reproduced directly from CollapsedVariables.vars for each history (history_id). Those vars columns roll up information from all variables related to a given history. That roll-up is more generally replaced by

The same argument applies to CNG.display_names / CV.display_names.

Therefore our work here is simply to replace those columns in CV with an array aggregation of the relevant variable id's.

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

Forming an aggregate of the related variable id's is probably not the best way to do this: Use of that aggregate will always involve de-aggregating (unnest) it and then joining to Variable. But we already have an unaggregated version of this table -- indeed it is used in the definition of CV -- called VarsPerHistory (hereafter VPH). VPH is a simple many:many association of History.history_id to Variable.vars_id. So we'd be better off just using VPH in such a query.

But the existence of CV in addition to VPH implies that forming these aggregates is costly and that it is (was) worth preserving the results in a separate matview. In that case we need to replace the now-useless aggregate column vars with a more useful one such as all_variable_tags, which would aggregate (set/array union) values of variable_tags(Variable) over all variables per history into a single array, which can then be checked for whether it contains a specific value (e.g., 'climatology'). The expression


would then be replaced directly by


Under the assumption that it is still unfeasibly costly to compute the aggregates on the fly, this is the logical and lowest-effort correction.

It is worth checking that assumption, however, as the alternative -- on the fly computations -- would allow us to drop this matview altogether. @jameshiebert , do you have any thoughts about this?

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

A further complication -- the usage of CNG/CV in pdp_util at present seems to require a pre-aggregated form. In order to use an unaggregated version (i.e., VPH), code in pdp_util may have to be revised considerably, which would require effort and risk errors. That alone may drive the decision.

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

At present I'm headed for the lowest-effort version, which is to update CV with a new column all_variable_tags, defined as follows:

with xxx as (
    unnest(variable_tags(meta_vars)) as a
from vars_per_history_mv natural join meta_vars
    array_agg(a order by a) all_variable_tags
from xxx
group by history_id
order by history_id

There is probably a tighter way to do this, but this at least works, and can form the basis for a tighter formulation.

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

Here's a variant, somewhat tighter, for CV and its usage.

CTE aggregated_vars is a helper for formulating CV. Each of the aggregated columns in it contains an array of values ordered by vars_id, grouped by history_id. By itself it is an interesting query and may be useful in other contexts.

CTE collapsed_vars_v is the updated version of CV. It collapses columns from collapsed_vars_array_v into the final form.

Finally we show usage of the new CV in the select following it: Select only those rows (histories) with an associated climatology variable. That is in fact what all the fuss is about.

with aggregated_vars as (
        , array_agg(vars_id order by vars_id) as vars_ids
        , array_agg(variable_tags(meta_vars) order by vars_id) as var_tags
        , array_agg(display_name order by vars_id) as display_names
    from vars_per_history_mv natural join meta_vars
    group by history_id

collapsed_vars_v as (
        , vars_ids
        , array(select distinct * from unnest(var_tags)) as all_var_tags
        , array_to_string(display_names, '|') as display_names
    from aggregated_vars

select * 
from collapsed_vars_v
where 'climatology' = any(all_var_tags)

Example query results:

404 {429,430,431,432,559}   {observation,climatology}   "Precipitation Amount|Rainfall Amount|Snowfall Amount|Surface Snow Depth (Point)|Precipitation Climatology"
406 {429,430,431,432,559}   {observation,climatology}   "Precipitation Amount|Rainfall Amount|Snowfall Amount|Surface Snow Depth (Point)|Precipitation Climatology"
407 {429,430,431,559}   {observation,climatology}   "Precipitation Amount|Rainfall Amount|Snowfall Amount|Precipitation Climatology"
409 {429,430,431,432,559}   {observation,climatology}   "Precipitation Amount|Rainfall Amount|Snowfall Amount|Surface Snow Depth (Point)|Precipitation Climatology"
410 {429,430,431,432,559}   {observation,climatology}   "Precipitation Amount|Rainfall Amount|Snowfall Amount|Surface Snow Depth (Point)|Precipitation Climatology"
412 {429,430,431,432,559}   {observation,climatology}   "Precipitation Amount|Rainfall Amount|Snowfall Amount|Surface Snow Depth (Point)|Precipitation Climatology"
rod-glover commented 9 months ago

Executing these queries against the full CRMP database is not very time-consuming, < 1 s. It seems as if the maintenance of CV as a matview might be unnecessary, and it could be packaged as a view.

I'm also planning to define the uncollapsed query aggregated_vars as a view, since it may have some utility in future, and hiding it as a CTE inside another query seems counterproductive.

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

To summarize:

Updated query for crmp_network_geoserver:

   FROM ...
  WHERE ...

The only change is to replace collapsed_vars_mv.vars with collapsed_vars_mv.all_var_tags.

Migrating CRMP is a fairly big undertaking, even using the pared-down process. As a temporary expedient, prior to applying the migration(s) that implement the above changes, we could do all the things above manually. This makes me nervous, but in the service of solving a serious problem quickly, it is worth considering.

rod-glover commented 9 months ago

On further thought, there's no current need to establish aggregated_vars as an independently standing view. If it turns out it would be useful, we can extract it as a view later. Less overhead.