Check if there are changes worth releasing for all our RPM-packaged projects: packit, ogr, specfile
(packit is used as an example below)
Run Prepare a new release workflow via Run workflow button: choose main branch and type the correct version number for the new release. In a while, you should see the action running and creating a pull request in the repository.
Review the created PR - you can ask other team members to help you with changelog grammar if needed. You can check out the PR locally, update it and push it back to the PR.
If the Check release notes required check doesn't run, do a force-push or edit the PR title or description, that should trigger it.
Merge the pull request once you're fine with the content (and there are no pending review requests).
The merge of the PR should trigger an action that creates a draft release in the releases list. Edit the release, make sure the content is correct and then publish the release by clicking Publish release.
Check (wait a few minutes) & merge PRs in dist-git created by packit: merge those created by the stage instance via pull_from_upstream (this will automatically close the Bugzilla from Upstream Release Monitoring) and close the ones created by the production instance. (But check that both services proposed the same set of changes.)
If you haven't released all 3 packages, make sure to tag the latest builds of those that weren't released into corresponding sidetags by commenting /packit-stg koji-tag --all-branches in any dist-git PR of the respective packages. This will trigger Koji build of packit and/or Bodhi update.
Check if there are changes worth releasing for all our RPM-packaged projects: packit, ogr, specfile
is used as an example below)Run workflow
button: choosemain
branch and type the correct version number for the new release. In a while, you should see the action running and creating a pull request in the repository.Check release notes
required check doesn't run, do a force-push or edit the PR title or description, that should trigger it.Publish release
(this will automatically close the Bugzilla from Upstream Release Monitoring) and close the ones created by the production instance. (But check that both services proposed the same set of changes.)/packit-stg koji-tag --all-branches
in any dist-git PR of the respective packages. This will trigger Koji build of packit and/or Bodhi update.