packwiz / packwiz-installer

An installer for packwiz modpacks, with automatic auto-updating and optional mods! Works well with MultiMC and on servers.
MIT License
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Packwiz doesn't delete removed mods #69

Closed ShockedCoder closed 8 months ago

ShockedCoder commented 10 months ago

When I delete the metafile for a mod from the mods dir, refresh packwiz, and run packwiz-bootstrap, it still downloads the newly added mods, but doesn't delete the removed mods.

I'm not sure what changed, since this was working just fine a few months ago. I also looked through the wiki to see if there was a change in how non-indexed mods were handled, but I couldn't find anything.

comp500 commented 10 months ago

Did you delete the packwiz.json file? packwiz-installer needs this to remember which files were downloaded as part of the pack and should be removed if they are removed from the pack.

ShockedCoder commented 10 months ago

No, I haven't deleted any files.

snippet from packwiz.json of one of the removed mods: code

comp500 commented 9 months ago

I can't seem to replicate this issue.. could you send your pack, or another pack (before and after removing a file) that causes this behaviour?

ShockedCoder commented 8 months ago

I accidentally nuked the device the modpack was on, so I can't help with this anymore. The next time this happens, I'll open a new issue with more information.

But I've taken a break from maintaining MC modpacks, since the people they were for have lost interest in playing MC, as such, I doubt I'd have any helpful information anytime soon.