pact-foundation / pact-jvm

JVM version of Pact. Enables consumer driven contract testing, providing a mock service and DSL for the consumer project, and interaction playback and verification for the service provider project.
Apache License 2.0
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Spock framework support for consumer/provider #1384

Open naushadamin opened 3 years ago

naushadamin commented 3 years ago

Does Pact support Spock framework out of the box to write consumer and provider side tests? If yes then do you have examples/reference documentation.

uglyog commented 3 years ago

There is no direct support (as in a Spock plugin), but it is fairly easy to use Spock for your tests. In fact, most of Pact-JVM is tested with Spock.

Consumer tests can use the Groovy DSL. For examples see and

For provider tests, you can use the Spock data fixture mechanism to load the Pact files for the test, and then call the Verifier for each one. I will try find an example.

uglyog commented 3 years ago

Here is an example of a provider test. Note this is using a very old version of Pact-JVM, and will need to be updated to work with the latest.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class PactVerificationSpec extends Specification {
  private static String pactBrokerUser
  private static String pactBrokerPassword
  private static ProviderInfo retailerService = new ProviderInfo(name: 'retailer', stateChangeTeardown: true)
  private static ProviderVerifier verifier = new ProviderVerifier()

  private DataSource dataSource

  Integer port

  private stateChangeHandler = { ProviderState state, String action ->
    def sql = new Sql(dataSource)
    PactVerificationSpec.getResourceAsStream("/sql/pact/${\s+/, '_')}_${action}.sql").eachLine {

  def setupSpec() {
    pactBrokerUser =['pactBrokerUser']
    pactBrokerPassword =['pactBrokerPassword']

  def setup() {
    retailerService.port = port

    verifier.providerVersion = { System.getProperty('projectVersion') }

  def 'pact test with consumer'() {

    consumer << loadPactsForProvider().collect { ConsumerInfo.from(it) }

  private boolean verifyConsumerPact(ConsumerInfo consumer) {
    consumer.stateChange = stateChangeHandler
    retailerService.consumers = [consumer]
    def result = verifier.verifyProvider(retailerService)
    if (result) {

  private static loadPactsForProvider() {
    def pactBrokerClient = new PactBrokerClient("https://${['pactBrokerHost'] }",
        [authentication: ['basic', pactBrokerUser, pactBrokerPassword]])
    def branch = System.getenv('BRANCH')?.toLowerCase()
    def consumers = null

    if (branch != null && branch != 'master') {
      consumers = pactBrokerClient.fetchConsumersWithTag(, branch)

    consumers ?: pactBrokerClient.fetchConsumers(