JVM version of Pact. Enables consumer driven contract testing, providing a mock service and DSL for the consumer project, and interaction playback and verification for the service provider project.
I have tagged PACTS for a provider version 1.0.102 as dev and version 1.0.101 as sit in Pact Broker. I am trying to verify PACTS from Pact broker using mvn pact:verify but I am getting following error message, so not sure if verification by tagging is fully supported or not using pact-jvm-provider-maven plugin
Failed to execute goal au.com.dius:pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.11:3.3.6:verify (default-cli) on project ProjectName: Execution default-cli of goal au.com.dius:pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.11:3.3.6:verify failed: Link 'pb:latest-provider-pacts-with-tag' was not found in the response, only the following links where found: [curies, pb:latest-pact-versions, pb:latest-provider-pacts, pb:pacticipants, pb:webhooks, self]. URL: 'http://serverhost:5000/pacts/provider/Provider1/latest', LINK: 'pb:latest-provider-pacts-with-tag'
I have tagged PACTS for a provider version 1.0.102 as dev and version 1.0.101 as sit in Pact Broker. I am trying to verify PACTS from Pact broker using mvn pact:verify but I am getting following error message, so not sure if verification by tagging is fully supported or not using pact-jvm-provider-maven plugin Failed to execute goal au.com.dius:pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.11:3.3.6:verify (default-cli) on project ProjectName: Execution default-cli of goal au.com.dius:pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.11:3.3.6:verify failed: Link 'pb:latest-provider-pacts-with-tag' was not found in the response, only the following links where found: [curies, pb:latest-pact-versions, pb:latest-provider-pacts, pb:pacticipants, pb:webhooks, self]. URL: 'http://serverhost:5000/pacts/provider/Provider1/latest', LINK: 'pb:latest-provider-pacts-with-tag'