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Contract Participant Contact Details #99

Open adamdama opened 1 year ago

adamdama commented 1 year ago

We would like to be able to see contact details for the team that develops/maintains a particular participant (consumer/provider) in the Pactflow UI. This would be helpful in the case that verification fails and the team involved need to get in contact with the other team involved in the interaction.

Ideally you would be able to click on the participant and be shown a page with a list of users (pactflow users, or just email addresses). Names, Email and Business fields would be ideal.

Additionally to be able to add some description to the participant in the same place as the contact details would be helpful for additional context.

mefellows commented 1 year ago

Thanks Adam, we have a redesign of our UI underway, and we'll add this for consideration. We're definitely planning on exposing additional details on that page, and this ability to discover the related users (via the team association) for the application seems a good one