pactus-project / pactus

Pactus blockchain
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HTTP server closed error on JSON-RPC server #1240

Closed alidevjimmy closed 1 month ago

alidevjimmy commented 1 month ago

There is a bug report on starting HTTP server for JSON-RPC. this is the reported log:

11:51:03 INF new block committed _state="{#766077 ▒ 7D1E0BEBA040 ▒ 11.50.30}" block="{▒ 7D1E0BEBA040 ▒ pc1pr23lgtpq ▒ D8B1B87AD512 ▒ 1}" round=0
^C13:32:46 INF stopping Node
13:32:47 DBG context closed reason="context canceled"
13:32:47 ERR error on a connection error="http: Server closed"
13:32:47 DBG context closed reason="context canceled"
13:32:47 ERR error while establishing JSON-RPC connection error="http: Server closed"
Exiting ...
b00f commented 1 month ago

The main issue here is that the node didn't sync for more than 2 hours