Closed jildertvenema closed 2 years ago
Thanks first for your PR very appreciated to see project is used by real people 🙂
I didn't add on purpose the exception as separate field as there are a limited number of fields allowed in syslog format. Another reason I didn't add is exception is usually log as log.Error(ex.tostring ()).
We could log exception as separate field but be aware not following strict syslog format. Then we should strip special characters that will not work via the influxapi.
Ah we use influxdb with grafana and we use a custom message for most of the error logs like: log.Error(ex, "File not found").
what do you mean with stripping special characters?
hello i will merge your PR but i will put in final release default param to false as i did for new version for 1.4 cheers @jildertvenema
We use this nuget package to write logs to influxDB but we needed to include the stack trace. Can this be an update for this package? What do you think?