padarom / vuepress-plugin-code-switcher

:arrows_clockwise: Component that adds synchronized multi-language code blocks to your Vuepress sites
MIT License
41 stars 6 forks source link

An error is reported #11

Open oneTwoThreeLuo opened 1 year ago

oneTwoThreeLuo commented 1 year ago

Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/openplatform/docs/@fs/D:/myWork/OpenPlatformProject/OpenPlatformV3/node_modules/tiny-emitter/instance.js?v=6fd05c13' does not provide an export named 'default' (at emitter.js?v=6fd05c13:1:8)

My usage is import { codeSwitcherPlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-code-switcher"; plugins:[codeSwitcherPlugin()]