padasch / tutorial_digital_soil_mapping
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tidyterra #1

Closed stineb closed 1 year ago

stineb commented 1 year ago

Error when doing quarto render:

Quitting from lines 95-107 [unnamed-chunk-5] (02-data_preparation.qmd)
Error in `loadNamespace()`:
! es gibt kein Paket namens 'tidyterra'
 1. base::loadNamespace(x)
 2. base::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
 3. base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
 4. base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
Ausführung angehalten

I have installed the package and made a renv::snapshot(). Still getting this error.

padasch commented 1 year ago

I tested my code with Pepa, and it worked on her machine without this error. And since it works on my mac too, I guess the problem lies with your setup, but I cannot tell where and why. Can you open the project and run these lines in the R console and see if it works?



khufkens commented 1 year ago

@padasch Thanks. You can switch the local renderer in the github workflow to macos-latest to see if this is consistent on a "fresh" macos machine.

padasch commented 1 year ago

@khufkens Since I am not rendering through GitHub actions - just publishing it -, changing to macos-latest would not change anything. Or do I not understand your comment correctly?

khufkens commented 1 year ago

You would see if at least the libraries are correctly loaded. The render step might fail though.