padawan-php / padawan.php

php intelligent code completion http server
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Doesn't work at all #56

Closed golaod closed 8 years ago

golaod commented 8 years ago

I wiped original message for this: To make it work, I had to install EnvironmentSettings to add padawan to $PATH, because sublime python just didn't see my real env variables. Composer autoloader works. I commented out symfony class to reindex everything. I chose 'generate index' but still couldn't make it work, because in GetProjectRoot I had to return sublime.active_window().extract_variables()['folder'] instead of current code. Then I fired 'start server' and I see process working and port reserved, but in sublime I see 'padawan.php' is not running.

It's was really hard way and it was for nothing. Any suggestions?

mkusher commented 8 years ago

@golaod hi, sorry for late reply. About env: I guess you're setting them in bashrc or zshrc, but it is better to do this in bash_profile, zprofile or so. Also thx for looking through the code, I'm not good at all in sublime plugin scripting, so there might be bugs. And I haven't tested padawan in sublime for a while, but there was no breaking changes... Can you try doing manual request like here?

mkusher commented 8 years ago

Also can you manually run padawan-server(in terminal) and see whether it receives requests from sublime?

mkusher commented 8 years ago

@golaod hi, I've just updated so it should work, can you try it?

mkusher commented 8 years ago

if the issue is still valid, reopen it

golaod commented 8 years ago

Sorry for not responding, but I was sick.

Also I just tested it and it works :)

mkusher commented 8 years ago

@golaod that's great, thx! Hope you're well now :)