RETREAT is a REal-time TREmor Analysis Tool. It performs f-k analysis on realtime (or archive) seismic array data to calculate the back azimuth and slowness with the aim of aiding in the location of volcanic tremor signals.
I just about freaked out seeing how massive your GUI is, especially when I saw it in a browser! I was hoping, in a way, that it wasn't PySimpleGUIWeb that made your web interface, but it looks like it indeed was.
I'm not aware of how much PySimpleGUIWeb is used. I'm adding the Column Element's justification parameter, finally, so that it will work like the plain PySimpleGUI port for justifying elements within the window.
I'm elated that you included screenshots in your readme. So often people that spend a lot of time and effort to create nice GUIs fail to show the world what they've made. GUIs are so rare in Python that when one is added to a program, I think people are genuinely interested in seeing screenshots. Glad you included both tkinter and web GUIs.
I just about freaked out seeing how massive your GUI is, especially when I saw it in a browser! I was hoping, in a way, that it wasn't PySimpleGUIWeb that made your web interface, but it looks like it indeed was.
I'm not aware of how much PySimpleGUIWeb is used. I'm adding the Column Element's justification parameter, finally, so that it will work like the plain PySimpleGUI port for justifying elements within the window.
I'm elated that you included screenshots in your readme. So often people that spend a lot of time and effort to create nice GUIs fail to show the world what they've made. GUIs are so rare in Python that when one is added to a program, I think people are genuinely interested in seeing screenshots. Glad you included both tkinter and web GUIs.