padejski / veritzaproto

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Serbia page & app #15

Open padejski opened 9 years ago

padejski commented 9 years ago

Due by May 22, 2015

Serbian Company registry Public officials records Public procurement - Elections donation disclosures

mattgathu commented 9 years ago

The Elections donation disclosures site say "No Results Found". Can you tell me how I get to view the data on the site? I random filled the forms and go a pop up with some data but the headers do not indicate election donations.

mattgathu commented 9 years ago

Could you translate these headers for me. Google Translate isn't making much sense.

назив наручиоца МБ наручиоца адреса наручиоца општина наручиоца назив добављача МБ добављача држава добављача врста поступка број мишљења УЈН основ из ЗЈН шифра из ОРН врста предмета набавке предмет набавке опис предмета набавке датум закључења уговора процењена вредност набавке (у 000 РСД) уговорена вредност набавке (у 000 РСД) уговорена вредност набавке са ПДВ-ом (у 000 РСД) број понуда критеријум за избор јед. цена трошкови припремања понуде датум извршења/неизвршења уговора вредност извршења уговора без ПДВ-а (у 000 РСД) извршење/неизвршење уговора - напомена разлог неизвршења уговора тип набавке измене

padejski commented 9 years ago

translation: Government agency Government agency registration number Government agency address Government agency city Supplier Supplier registration number Supplier Country Type of procedure ID of rule Basis Code Type of the subject of procurement The subject of procurement Description of the procurement Contract date Estimated value (in 000 RSD) Contract value (in 000 RSD) Contract value including VAT tax (in 000 RSD) Number of offers Selection criteria Price in Preparing bid cost Date of execution/failure of a contract Execution value excluding VAT (in 000 RSD) Execution/failure of the contract - note Reason of failure Type of procurement Changes

padejski commented 9 years ago

As for the Elections donation disclosures, this site is extremely slow and it's using javascript, jQuery library. I had to wait for few minutes to get this list of donations - I searched for all the individuals with the most tipical last name 'Јовановић' screen shot 2015-05-24 at 1 44 16 am

And then when you click an arrow on left hand side you can see detailed results. screen shot 2015-05-24 at 1 42 08 am

padejski commented 9 years ago

Public officials table should have also these records - take a look public-officials

padejski commented 8 years ago

Serbia main tables - reference before an update

screen shot 2016-02-07 at 10 30 21 pm