Open padilla410 opened 1 year ago
Oops. Didn't even realize I was not using the right protocol. I think I did the same pattern as the GitFlows training you referenced, making an assumption that it would follow the same pattern/requirement. Agree that it would be good to make them consistent once way or another.
And if we change this to a branch workflow, then it would be useful to add to the instructions what they would expect to see such as adding the following after line 73 in the course instructions:
A successful push of the branch will result in a message that looks like this "Branch 'structure' set up to track 'origin/structure"
Gericke is currently using a branch workflow instead of a fork and pull workflow here. Her approach makes sense because she has forked the original static repo, wants to make changes, but doesn't want to impact the original training material.
If I we wanted to fix this issue we would need to create user-specific trainee repositories for each trainee. This would be similar to how the original gitflows training would be completed (see here for an example).