padok-team / burrito

🌯 Burrito is a TACoS 🌮
Apache License 2.0
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Confusing feedback when loading Burrito UI with lot of layers #217

Closed dixneuf19 closed 6 months ago

dixneuf19 commented 6 months ago

When loading Burrito UI with a lot of layers (50+ in my case, and it will keep growing), the backend requests to get all layers takes more than 8 seconds. While the current CPU/Memory requests of my instance might be a bottleneck, the interface feedback is very confusing

Screenshot from 2024-01-10 12-03-06

Furthermore, the current implementation of the backend requests, without any pagination might not be scalable. Event with a loading indicator waiting several seconds is not a pleasant experience

marcantoinegodde commented 6 months ago

I think we should consider this issue resolved and open a new enhancement issue to add layers pagination later. @Alan-pad