padok-team / burrito

🌯 Burrito is a TACoS 🌮
Apache License 2.0
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Use Padok's default Renovate configuration #240

Closed padok-enabler-github-app[bot] closed 5 months ago

padok-enabler-github-app[bot] commented 5 months ago

Renovate analyzes your repository dependencies and opens a PR if new versions have been found.

This PR adds or updates the Renovate configuration to use the default Padok preset. This preset includes default settings which are recommended for most projects. For example, it forces the use of conventional commits, which are necessary for the ReleasePlease bot to work.

You can find more information on Notion: How to set up Renovate to automatically update dependencies.

🤖 This PR has automatically been opened by Padok Enabler GitHub App. Simply close it if you don't want this change.