padok-team / burrito

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Feature Idea: Support fetching the repository contents from a Flux GitRepository #296

Open nogweii opened 1 month ago

nogweii commented 1 month ago

Since I'm running Flux in my cluster already, it would be nice to not have multiple copies of my infrastructure repo. (Using a monorepo approach to put both terraform files and kubernetes manifests together.)

Flux has a well-tested GitRepository CRD and the controller exposes the repository as a .tar.gz in-cluster URL.

What do you think?

Alan-pad commented 1 month ago

Hey @nogweii this is an idea we had when we first started working on burrito, initially we wanted to solely rely on the fluxcd source controller, we figured out in the end we didn't want burrito to have such a dependency and we scrapped the idea.

However thinking about it now we could implement a feature to source git bundles from Flux alongside our default way of retrieving those bundles using a GitRepository reference, I don't think it'd be too much of a hassle to implement.

I'll look into it for 0.5 we will be working on some features related to repositories and that might be the best time to include this kind of feature :)

Feel free to contribute if you have any idea how the yaml spec would have to look like on our TerraformRepository CRD, I'd guess something along the lines of this :

    kind: GitRepository
    name: repo
    namespace: default