Closed wooorm closed 11 years ago
I really like this idea!
I think the prototype-getter token will have to be something other than '+' though -- it would introduce too much ambiguity since we're already using it as the CSS sibling combinator.
Thinking about it, the parser could just check, when you specify a selectorTag (e.g. div, header), whether or not a prototype is defined by that name. So we don't necessarily need an explicit operator to recall prototypes. It could be as simple as.
something =
header >
<header><div class="foo bar"></div></header>
What are your thoughts?
Like the idea.
And you're right about the +
. Dropping it would also give the author the ability to rewrite a selectorTag: e.g. img = img[alt=""]
However, what about scope? Would the following SIML…
img = img[alt=""]
…result in this…
<img src="a" />
<img src="b" alt="" />
<img src="c" alt="" />
…or this?
<img src="a" />
<img src="b" alt="" />
<img src="c" />
I'd opt for the latter; but would it be easy to implement in the parser?
I agree -- the latter makes sense. Fortunately, it's too hard to handle scoping.
I've begun implementation in the feature-prototype branch. It was surprisingly simple to implement. Feel free to check it out and play with test/resources/live-parser.html
Next step is to write some tests.
I like it, i like it a lot!
Ok, it's now in the 0.3.2 release! :)
Ready to play with here:
Here's one of the chunks I've tested it with:
link =[href=""][title="placeholder"]
Works great! Also: Nice fix on the img[alt=a][alt=b]
thing, I wasn’t sure if it was a bug, or a feature .
One of the greatest thing a preprocessor can do, is help better the authors writing experience: Less doing and more results.
This is why I propose adding a “prototype” like feature to SIML, a feature that allows authors to write concise code—writing certain selectors once, instead of multiple times.
Note: I’m not talking about mixins: Mixins are great too, but I’m seeing prototypes as an element, rather than “document fragment”, like feature.
Setting prototypes:
/[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]* = /
Getting prototypes:
Final Notes
Sure, this is just a draft—the regexes are just an idea, I haven’t thought about what happens with multiple classes (in the prototype setting, and the prototype getting)—but “mixins” seem like a logical extension of an HTML preprocessor: One which I haven’t seen in HAML, Jade, Slim, and the like.