Closed calvinmetcalf closed 11 years ago
We use structured cloning if it's available. By default the _marshal and _demarshal methods are just pass-throughs:
// ... L147
_marshal: function(v) {
return v;
_demarshal: function(v) {
return v;
We only use JSON methods if we get a 'pingback:objectTransferSupport=NO' from the worker (src):
// ... L272
if (data === 'pingback:objectTransferSupport=NO') {
this._marshal = function(o) { return JSON.stringify(o); };
this._demarshal = function(o) { return JSON.parse(o); };
This is misleading though (a mistake of mine during development), it should in-fact be called 'pingback:structuredCloningSupport=NO' -- I'll make sure to change that soon.
To detect support for structured-cloning we send a message postMessage(['PING'])
and if the worker receives it as an Array then we know it supports structured-cloning, otherwise the worker receives it as a string "PING"
. And in that case we serialize/deserialize JSON from that point onwards.
Are there browsers that support workers but not structured cloning or is this for use in the the fallbacks?
This is only as a fallback. AFAICT Safari 4 supports Worker, but not Blob/BlobBuilder, and only allows strings to be passed via postMessage -- so this fallback is used there.
Are you able to test it that far back, Sauce labs only goes back to Safari 5 (workers but no window.URL)
Not sure how reliable this is but I tested using version 4 from here
Right now operative doesn't work in Sf4 for other reasons which I'm now looking into.
ah well this can be closed, I was going through the code trying to figure out if the transferable objects issue needed to be that they should be added to the code or the documentation.
Fixed naming confusion here
postMessage serializes naturally via structured cloning which is a better algorithm than JSON.stringify as it can handle circular dependencies