padpadpadpad / rTPC

R package to help fit Thermal Performance Curves
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script not working #53

Closed juanharagon closed 11 months ago

juanharagon commented 11 months ago

HI! I'm trying to run the"test" script from the supplementary materials, and im getting an error in line 139:

this line has the following code:

extra_params <- d_stack %>% mutate(., est = map(output, est_params)) %>% select(., -c(data, output)) %>% unnest(., est) %>% mutate(., rmax = round(rmax, 2))

when I try to run it I get the following:

Error in mutate(): ℹ In argument: est = map(output, est_params). Caused by error: ! object 'est_params' not found.

Culd you help fixing this issue?

padpadpadpad commented 11 months ago

Hi @juanharagon,

The test script should not really be here anymore! est_params() does not exist because I changed it to calc_params() -

Would really recommending following the vignettes instead of test.R.

Cheers Dan