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Broken - webtatic + remi have no sense. #1

Open remicollet opened 8 years ago

remicollet commented 8 years ago

Mixing webtatic + remirepo have no sense.

Both provide PHP 7, and are not designed to work together.

Either use "webtatic" and its "php70w" packages (without any additional extension, for now) See :

Or use "remim-php70" and its standard "php" (with lot of additional extensions) See :

remicollet commented 8 years ago

More: opcache + mysql + mcrypt seems a very strange choice for defautl extension set.

remicollet commented 8 years ago
-RUN cd /tmp && wget
-RUN rpm -Uvh
+RUN rpm - Uvh
+RUN yum-config-manager --enable remi-php70


RUN yum -y install  php  php-mbstring  php-mysqlnd  php-opcache  composer
remicollet commented 8 years ago

EXPOSE 80 443

No sense mod_ssl is not installed.

remicollet commented 8 years ago
RUN sed -i \
    -e 's~^;date.timezone =$~date.timezone = Europe/Rome~g' \
    -e 's~^;user_ini.filename =$~user_ini.filename =~g' \

I prefer

RUN echo "date.timezone = Europe/Rome" >/etc/php.d/override.conf

And changing user_ini.filename seens a bad idea, default value (.user.ini) are protected in be not browsable, for obvious security reason.

padster2015 commented 8 years ago

Hey @remicollet thanks for these, I have been making changes and testing, mcrypt was on for Laravel framework