paetzke / py-autopep8.el

py-autopep8.el integrates autopep8 into Emacs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
79 stars 21 forks source link

Is this repository still active ? #28

Open wizmer opened 6 years ago

wizmer commented 6 years ago


So first of all, thanks for this useful package. I forked this repo and started making some changes. Namely I refactored so that it is a minor-mode than can be enabled/disabled on a per-buffer basis. I'd like to know if you think I should drop the PR here or if I should push my own package to MELPA ? But there does not seem to have many activity around here...


lafrenierejm commented 6 years ago

@wizmer This repo looks thoroughly unmaintained to me. I would welcome your fork.

jennykwan commented 4 years ago

@wizmer Do you have any interest in maintaining a fork? Or help me do it (I have no experience with melpa packaging)? I would love to have minor-mode in. I'm also looking to extend this to work with pyenv-mode.

wizmer commented 4 years ago


So apparently one day I wrote that I don't remember if it works, maybe that could be the starting point for your py-env extension. I can maintain the fork or help you do it. It would be good if we can get back the ownership on Melpa, I'll have a look one of these day but not now as I am already pretty busy.

tavurth commented 4 years ago

I used to run this code:

pip3 install autopep8
(defcustom python-autopep8-path (executable-find "autopep8")
  "autopep8 executable path."
  :group 'python
  :type 'string)

(defun python-autopep8 ()
  "Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide.
$ autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive <filename>"
  (when (eq major-mode 'python-mode)
     (format "%s --in-place --aggressive %s" python-autopep8-path
             (shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name))))
    (revert-buffer t t t)))

(bind-key "C-c C-a" 'python-autopep8)

(eval-after-load 'python
  '(if python-autopep8-path
       (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'python-autopep8)))

Found and modified from this link

But now my doom.el handles formatting for me.

mandarvaze commented 3 years ago

@tavurth How do I use this with DOOM emacs ? the "original" instructions from this repo i.e.

(require 'py-autopep8)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'py-autopep8-enable-on-save)

are not working for me.

I can not even manually call M-x py-autopep8-buffer - it does not even appear when I type M-x

tavurth commented 3 years ago

Hi @mandarvaze!

Please make sure the following two lines in your doom init.el are uncommented:

(format +onsave)  ; automated prettiness

Then when you save a python file, check your Messages (C-x B *Messages*) buffer for errors, as I remember there where two applications I had to install to get it autoformatting, one was black (pip install black) and the other I've forgotten.

If you're having trouble, the doom emacs guys are very helpful and can probably help better than I.

mandarvaze commented 3 years ago

@tavurth Thanks for the suggestion to check *Messages* buffer

I keep seeing Error: (error "You need the \"black\" command. You may be able to install it via \"pip install black\".") in the *Messages* buffer.

I already have (format +onsave) and python enabled in init.el

I'm also using lsp - I think the above is coming from lsp (But I could be wrong)

I've already posted on doom-emacs discord server. Waiting for response.

tavurth commented 3 years ago

@mandarvaze Yep, that I mentioned in my post, did you try installing black already?

mandarvaze commented 3 years ago

@tavurth I had black which I removed cause I wanted to use autopep8 formatter instead of black Anyway, Henrik (DOOM emacs creator) suggested how to get it working using set-formatter command - which now works for me.

Edit: If anyone comes looking, see this on how to use autopep8 with Doom emacs

I'm not using this package (i.e. py-autopep8.el) anymore with Doom. Just autopep8 directly (With Doom emacs)

ideasman42 commented 2 years ago

Recently I've updated this package with fixes/improvements. Since it seems the original author is not active anymore, I'll check if Melpa could point to my repository instead.

Note that I tried mailing "Friedrich Paetzke" using the email from git, but it bounced.

ideasman42 commented 2 years ago

Melpa now points to a fork of this package maintained here: