pagarme / superbowleto

:football: A microservice to issue, register and manage boletos
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server: increase default timeout value #317

Closed jeanaugustoos closed 5 years ago

jeanaugustoos commented 5 years ago


Change default timeout value to avoid 5XX errors. These errors were generated because our ELB idle timeout is longer than the express default timeout.

Your checklist for this pull request

:rotating_light: Please review this items for a good pull request. :four_leaf_clover:

  1. I've read the project's Contributing Guidelines
  2. My commits are well written and follow pagarme/git-style-guide
  3. My changes are well covered by tests and logs
  4. I've updated the project docs (if needed)
  5. I fell safe about this implementation
  6. I feel comfortable with the code I wrote, and I'm not ashamed to show it to my friends

In a good pull request, everything above is true :relaxed:

oliveira commented 5 years ago

A título de curiosidade, qual era o timeout anterior @jeanaugustoos?

lucianopf commented 5 years ago

A título de curiosidade, qual era o timeout anterior @jeanaugustoos?

Tbm to nessa questão 😂

jeanaugustoos commented 5 years ago

Então, é o default do nodejs: 2 minutos.