pageauc / pi-timolo

Raspberry PI-TIMOLO ( PI-TImelapse, MOtion, LOwLight ) uses RPI picamera and OpenCV for Remote Headless Security Monitoring using Motion Tracking, Rclone Auto Sync files with remote storage services. Auto Twilight Transitions and Low Light Camera Settings. Panoramic images using PanTiltHat and More. This project is featured on GitHub Awesome software.
MIT License
549 stars 101 forks source link

Love it, but spewing motion images with no motion #2

Closed watou closed 9 years ago

watou commented 9 years ago

Thanks for putting this together. I love it, and have it running as a service. The only problem is that it thinks there is motion when there is no perceptible change from frame to frame, and it's filling up Google Drive. On a B+.

Could you use MPEG motion vectors instead of checking if pixels are changing?

My settings are thus:

# User Configuration variable settings for pitimolo
# Purpose - Motion Detection Security Cam
# Created - 13-Dec-2014
# Done by - Claude Pageau

configTitle = "Typical Local Security Cam Motion Detection Camera with 1080 images"
configName = ""

# These settings should both be False if this script is run as a background /etc/init.d daemon
logDataToFile = False  # logs diagnostic data to a file for review  default=False
verbose = False

# print a test image
imageTestPrint = False     # default=False Set to True to print one image and exit (useful for aligning camera)

# Image Settings
imageNamePrefix = 'front-' # Prefix for all image file names. Eg front-
imageWidth = 1920          # Full Size Image Width in px  default=1980
imageHeight = 1080         # Full Size Image Height in px default=1080
imageVFlip = False         # Flip image Vertically    default=False
imageHFlip = False         # Flip image Horizontally  default=False
imagePreview = False       # Preview image on connected RPI Monitor default=False
noNightShots = False       # Don't Take images at Night default=False
noDayShots = False         # Don't Take images during day time default=False  

# Low Light Night Settings
nightMaxShut = 5.5         # default=5 sec Highest cam shut exposure time. IMPORTANT
 6 sec works sometimes but occasionally locks RPI and HARD reboot required to clear
nightMinShut = .10         # default=.10 sec Lowest camera shut exposure time for transition from day to night (or visa versa)
nightMaxISO = 800          # default=800  Max cam ISO night setting
nightMinISO = 100          # lowest ISO camera setting for transition from day to night (or visa versa)  
nightSleepSec = 10         # default=10 Sec - Time period to allow camera to calculate low light AWB   
nightDayTimer = 2 * 60     # Check stream changes to determine if entering twilight zones
sunsetThreshold = 90       # If in Day and pixAverage below this then time to ram to switch to low light mode and ramp settings
sunriseThreshold = 220     # If in Night and pixAverage below this then time to ramp low light settings

# Settings for Displaying Date/Time Stamp Directly on Images
showDateOnImage = True     # Set to False for No display of date/time on image default= True
showTextBottom = True      # Location of image Text True=Bottom False=Top
showTextWhite = False      # Colour of image Text True=White False=Black
showTextWhiteNight= True   # Change night text to white.  Might help if night needs white instead of black during day or visa versa

# Motion Settings
motionOn = True            # True = motion capture is turned on.  False= No motion detection
motionPrefix = "mo-"       # Prefix Motion Detection images
motionDir = "motion"       # Storage Folder for Motion Detect Images
threshold = 10             # How much a pixel has to change to be counted default=10 (1-200)
sensitivity = 900          # Number of changed pixels to trigger motion default=300
motionVideoOn = False      # If set to True then video clip is taken rather than image
motionVideoTimer = 30      # Number of seconds of video clip to take if Motion Detected
motionForce = 60 * 60      # One Hour Force image if no Motion Detected.  default=60*60
motionNumOn = True         # True=On (filenames Sequenced by Number) otherwise date/time used for filename
motionNumStart = 1000      # Start motion number sequence
motionNumMax  = 500        # Max number of motion images desired. 0=Continuous    default=0
motionNumRecycle = True    # After numberMax reached restart at numberStart instead of exiting default=True
motionMaxDots = 50         # Number of motion dots before starting new line
createLockFile = True     # default=False if True then will call grive to sync files to your web google drive if .sync file exists
                           # Lock File is used to indicate motion images are added so can sync in background via sudo crontab -e 

# TimeLapse Settings
timelapseOn = False        # Turns timelapse True=On  False=Off
timelapseTimer = 5 * 60    # Seconds between timelapse images
timelapseDir = "timelapse" # Storage Folder for Time Lapse Images
timelapsePrefix = "tl-"    # Prefix timelapse images with this prefix
timelapseExit = 0 * 60     # Will Quit program after specified seconds 0=Continuous  Default=0
timelapseNumOn = True      # True=On (filenames Sequenced by Number) otherwise date/time used for filename
timelapseNumStart = 1000   # Start of timelapse number sequence 
timelapseNumMax = 1000     # Max number of timelapse images desired. 0=Continuous  default=0
timelapseNumRecycle = True # After numberMax reached restart at numberStart instead of exiting default=True   

# ---------------------------------------------- End of User Variables -----------------------------------------------------
pageauc commented 9 years ago


I found this bug as well and have fixed it. The checkIfDay logic has also been greatly simplified and only uses day pixel average instead of the convoluted logic that was used previously. I will post the revised code on github today, once it has gone through a full day test cycle. Sorry for the bug. This has been a personal project of mine for my own use and I like to share the code to help others with similar needs. This has certain responsibilities that come with it, that you discover over time like documentation and testing and listening to users. Thanks for the email.

I am just a retired guy who likes to work on techie stuff and not a developer.

BTW. The program does require some tuning to get working well like motion sensitivity/threshold. I am thinking of building in logic so it can auto tune the settings but this is only a project I work on when I get time.

Will let you know when 1.2 version is posted shortly today.

Regards Claude ...

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 5:41 AM, John Cocula wrote:

Thanks for putting this together. I love it, and have it running as a service. The only problem is that it thinks there is motion when there is no perceptible change from frame to frame, and it's filling up Google Drive. On a B+.

Could you use MPEG motion vectors instead of checking if pixels are changing?

My settings are thus:

User Configuration variable settings for pitimolo# Purpose - Motion Detection Security Cam# Created - 13-Dec-2014# Done by - Claude Pageau

configTitle = "Typical Local Security Cam Motion Detection Camera with 1080 images" configName = ""

These settings should both be False if this script is run as a background /etc/init.d daemon

logDataToFile = False # logs diagnostic data to a file for review default=False verbose = False

print a test image

imageTestPrint = False # default=False Set to True to print one image and exit (useful for aligning camera)

Image Settings

imageNamePrefix = 'front-' # Prefix for all image file names. Eg front- imageWidth = 1920 # Full Size Image Width in px default=1980 imageHeight = 1080 # Full Size Image Height in px default=1080 imageVFlip = False # Flip image Vertically default=False imageHFlip = False # Flip image Horizontally default=False imagePreview = False # Preview image on connected RPI Monitor default=False noNightShots = False # Don't Take images at Night default=False noDayShots = False # Don't Take images during day time default=False

Low Light Night Settings

nightMaxShut = 5.5 # default=5 sec Highest cam shut exposure time. IMPORTANT 6 sec works sometimes but occasionally locks RPI and HARD reboot required to clear nightMinShut = .10 # default=.10 sec Lowest camera shut exposure time for transition from day to night (or visa versa) nightMaxISO = 800 # default=800 Max cam ISO night setting nightMinISO = 100 # lowest ISO camera setting for transition from day to night (or visa versa) nightSleepSec = 10 # default=10 Sec - Time period to allow camera to calculate low light AWB nightDayTimer = 2 * 60 # Check stream changes to determine if entering twilight zones sunsetThreshold = 90 # If in Day and pixAverage below this then time to ram to switch to low light mode and ramp settings sunriseThreshold = 220 # If in Night and pixAverage below this then time to ramp low light settings

Settings for Displaying Date/Time Stamp Directly on Images

showDateOnImage = True # Set to False for No display of date/time on image default= True showTextBottom = True # Location of image Text True=Bottom False=Top showTextWhite = False # Colour of image Text True=White False=Black showTextWhiteNight= True # Change night text to white. Might help if night needs white instead of black during day or visa versa

Motion Settings

motionOn = True # True = motion capture is turned on. False= No motion detection motionPrefix = "mo-" # Prefix Motion Detection images motionDir = "motion" # Storage Folder for Motion Detect Images threshold = 10 # How much a pixel has to change to be counted default=10 (1-200) sensitivity = 900 # Number of changed pixels to trigger motion default=300 motionVideoOn = False # If set to True then video clip is taken rather than image motionVideoTimer = 30 # Number of seconds of video clip to take if Motion Detected motionForce = 60 * 60 # One Hour Force image if no Motion Detected. default=60*60 motionNumOn = True # True=On (filenames Sequenced by Number) otherwise date/time used for filename motionNumStart = 1000 # Start motion number sequence motionNumMax = 500 # Max number of motion images desired. 0=Continuous default=0 motionNumRecycle = True # After numberMax reached restart at numberStart instead of exiting default=True motionMaxDots = 50 # Number of motion dots before starting new line createLockFile = True # default=False if True then will call grive to sync files to your web google drive if .sync file exists

Lock File is used to indicate motion images are added so can sync in background via sudo crontab -e

TimeLapse Settings

timelapseOn = False # Turns timelapse True=On False=Off timelapseTimer = 5 * 60 # Seconds between timelapse images timelapseDir = "timelapse" # Storage Folder for Time Lapse Images timelapsePrefix = "tl-" # Prefix timelapse images with this prefix timelapseExit = 0 * 60 # Will Quit program after specified seconds 0=Continuous Default=0 timelapseNumOn = True # True=On (filenames Sequenced by Number) otherwise date/time used for filename timelapseNumStart = 1000 # Start of timelapse number sequence timelapseNumMax = 1000 # Max number of timelapse images desired. 0=Continuous default=0 timelapseNumRecycle = True # After numberMax reached restart at numberStart instead of exiting default=True

---------------------------------------------- End of User Variables -----------------------------------------------------

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

See my YouTube Channel at

watou commented 9 years ago

Claude, merci beaucoup for sharing your work! You underestimate yourself by saying you're not a developer, you can be both a retired guy and a developer! That's my goal anyway. :)

I will look out for news on a new release and switch up to it straightaway.

Kind regards, John

pageauc commented 9 years ago

I have posted version 1.2 of pi-timolo on my github repo See the Readme.txt regarding a bug that put motion capture in a continuous loop. I have also simplified the logic for checkIfDay(). This code is a lot simpler and easier to understand. Sorry for the bug.

Let me know if you find anything else.

Regards Claude ...

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 6:12 AM, Claude Pageau wrote:


I found this bug as well and have fixed it. The checkIfDay logic has also been greatly simplified and only uses day pixel average instead of the convoluted logic that was used previously. I will post the revised code on github today, once it has gone through a full day test cycle. Sorry for the bug. This has been a personal project of mine for my own use and I like to share the code to help others with similar needs. This has certain responsibilities that come with it, that you discover over time like documentation and testing and listening to users. Thanks for the email.

I am just a retired guy who likes to work on techie stuff and not a developer.

BTW. The program does require some tuning to get working well like motion sensitivity/threshold. I am thinking of building in logic so it can auto tune the settings but this is only a project I work on when I get time.

Will let you know when 1.2 version is posted shortly today.

Regards Claude ...

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 5:41 AM, John Cocula wrote:

Thanks for putting this together. I love it, and have it running as a service. The only problem is that it thinks there is motion when there is no perceptible change from frame to frame, and it's filling up Google Drive. On a B+.

Could you use MPEG motion vectors instead of checking if pixels are changing?

My settings are thus:

User Configuration variable settings for pitimolo# Purpose - Motion Detection Security Cam# Created - 13-Dec-2014# Done by - Claude Pageau

configTitle = "Typical Local Security Cam Motion Detection Camera with 1080 images" configName = ""

These settings should both be False if this script is run as a background /etc/init.d daemon

logDataToFile = False # logs diagnostic data to a file for review default=False verbose = False

print a test image

imageTestPrint = False # default=False Set to True to print one image and exit (useful for aligning camera)

Image Settings

imageNamePrefix = 'front-' # Prefix for all image file names. Eg front- imageWidth = 1920 # Full Size Image Width in px default=1980 imageHeight = 1080 # Full Size Image Height in px default=1080 imageVFlip = False # Flip image Vertically default=False imageHFlip = False # Flip image Horizontally default=False imagePreview = False # Preview image on connected RPI Monitor default=False noNightShots = False # Don't Take images at Night default=False noDayShots = False # Don't Take images during day time default=False

Low Light Night Settings

nightMaxShut = 5.5 # default=5 sec Highest cam shut exposure time. IMPORTANT 6 sec works sometimes but occasionally locks RPI and HARD reboot required to clear nightMinShut = .10 # default=.10 sec Lowest camera shut exposure time for transition from day to night (or visa versa) nightMaxISO = 800 # default=800 Max cam ISO night setting nightMinISO = 100 # lowest ISO camera setting for transition from day to night (or visa versa) nightSleepSec = 10 # default=10 Sec - Time period to allow camera to calculate low light AWB nightDayTimer = 2 * 60 # Check stream changes to determine if entering twilight zones sunsetThreshold = 90 # If in Day and pixAverage below this then time to ram to switch to low light mode and ramp settings sunriseThreshold = 220 # If in Night and pixAverage below this then time to ramp low light settings

Settings for Displaying Date/Time Stamp Directly on Images

showDateOnImage = True # Set to False for No display of date/time on image default= True showTextBottom = True # Location of image Text True=Bottom False=Top showTextWhite = False # Colour of image Text True=White False=Black showTextWhiteNight= True # Change night text to white. Might help if night needs white instead of black during day or visa versa

Motion Settings

motionOn = True # True = motion capture is turned on. False= No motion detection motionPrefix = "mo-" # Prefix Motion Detection images motionDir = "motion" # Storage Folder for Motion Detect Images threshold = 10 # How much a pixel has to change to be counted default=10 (1-200) sensitivity = 900 # Number of changed pixels to trigger motion default=300 motionVideoOn = False # If set to True then video clip is taken rather than image motionVideoTimer = 30 # Number of seconds of video clip to take if Motion Detected motionForce = 60 * 60 # One Hour Force image if no Motion Detected. default=60*60 motionNumOn = True # True=On (filenames Sequenced by Number) otherwise date/time used for filename motionNumStart = 1000 # Start motion number sequence motionNumMax = 500 # Max number of motion images desired. 0=Continuous default=0 motionNumRecycle = True # After numberMax reached restart at numberStart instead of exiting default=True motionMaxDots = 50 # Number of motion dots before starting new line createLockFile = True # default=False if True then will call grive to sync files to your web google drive if .sync file exists

Lock File is used to indicate motion images are added so can sync in background via sudo crontab -e

TimeLapse Settings

timelapseOn = False # Turns timelapse True=On False=Off timelapseTimer = 5 * 60 # Seconds between timelapse images timelapseDir = "timelapse" # Storage Folder for Time Lapse Images timelapsePrefix = "tl-" # Prefix timelapse images with this prefix timelapseExit = 0 * 60 # Will Quit program after specified seconds 0=Continuous Default=0 timelapseNumOn = True # True=On (filenames Sequenced by Number) otherwise date/time used for filename timelapseNumStart = 1000 # Start of timelapse number sequence timelapseNumMax = 1000 # Max number of timelapse images desired. 0=Continuous default=0 timelapseNumRecycle = True # After numberMax reached restart at numberStart instead of exiting default=True

---------------------------------------------- End of User Variables -----------------------------------------------------

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

See my YouTube Channel at

See my YouTube Channel at