pageauc / pi-timolo

Raspberry PI-TIMOLO ( PI-TImelapse, MOtion, LOwLight ) uses RPI picamera and OpenCV for Remote Headless Security Monitoring using Motion Tracking, Rclone Auto Sync files with remote storage services. Auto Twilight Transitions and Low Light Camera Settings. Panoramic images using PanTiltHat and More. This project is featured on GitHub Awesome software.
MIT License
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Background process closes after first photo #75

Closed ErikBavenstrand closed 6 years ago

ErikBavenstrand commented 6 years ago

When running the bash script from rc.local the script only executes once then stops. No image is saved and crontab did not change anything.

pageauc commented 6 years ago

Will it Run from command prompt with verbose=True

cd ~/pi-timolo

If it fails please send console error message(s). Let me know what version of Raspbian you are running and RPI model. Note has been tested and will run under all recent versions of Raspbian as long as the pi-camera firmware is current. Also note you cannot run from both /etc/rc.local and crontab although you can run from both since it checks if process is already running and will not try to rerun.

Some trouble shooting suggestions

FYI - I have added a basic trouble shooting section to the pi-timolo wiki

Claude ...