pageauc / pi-timolo

Raspberry PI-TIMOLO ( PI-TImelapse, MOtion, LOwLight ) uses RPI picamera and OpenCV for Remote Headless Security Monitoring using Motion Tracking, Rclone Auto Sync files with remote storage services. Auto Twilight Transitions and Low Light Camera Settings. Panoramic images using PanTiltHat and More. This project is featured on GitHub Awesome software.
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Timelapse: Take the first photo immediately #82

Closed tibaultbordeaux closed 6 years ago

tibaultbordeaux commented 6 years ago

Hi there.

Thanks a lot for this great piece of software, genius man! This a huge time saver, thanks again!

My issue: pi-timolo takes the first photo after the first loop of the Timer. I have set the Timer on 86400 seconds since I want to take one photo every 24h.

Therefore I start via cron exactly at 12 o'clock (and check every day at the same time, if it's still running). But: Now it takes another 24h till the first photo is taken.

How would i (you?) change this?

Thanks in advance


pageauc commented 6 years ago

Set up pi-timolo for 24 hrs between images per settings below with whatever image, text values you want.

motionTrackOn = True
timelapseOn = True
timelapseTimer = 86400

pi-timolo will look after the interval between images eg 24 hours

Set up crontab to start pi-timolo the day before you want the timelapse cycle to begin since pi-timolo will start the timelapse cycle at the end of the timer interval. Then run start

00 00 * * * su pi -c "/home/pi/pi-timolo/ start"

This will run run every day at midnight but will not restart if it is already running so as long as pi-timolo continues to run in the background you will get an image at midnight since will detect that it is already running. If pi-timolo does stop for some reason then there will be a delay of 24 hours before first image is taken. I will look at changing the logic to start take an initial timelapse image at the start of the interval. Please note the camera startup time takes a little while so you will probably have to set cron to start a little before midnight. I have timelapse cameras that run continuously for many months without problem so this should work.

I will let you know when I change logic to start an initial timelapse image and maybe implement a timelapse initial start time to force start of first image at a particular time as long as the RPI clock is accurate.

Claude ..

tibaultbordeaux commented 6 years ago

Thanks Claude,

this is exactly what I've done. (Except the motionTrackOn = True, Typo?)

Another approach of mine would be to shut down the Pi after taking a picture at 12 o'clock. Since all I want to have is one picture a day, the Pi does not have to run 24/7. I then would boot up at, let's say, 11 o'clock by using a socket timer switch.

In this approach again it would be helpful to have the option to take an initial photo right after starting

And your idea of implementing a start time for the first image is even more great!


pageauc commented 6 years ago

I am roughing out the code for setting a time and or date/time to start timelapse based on variable settings. If the date is in the past the timelapse would start on the specified hour/minute. This would allow a restart and still have the same start time.

I was also thinking it would be helpful if timelapse timer could be set using names for values like minutes, hours, days, etc to avoid large seconds values but just a thought.
BYW what type of TL project are you working on that only needs one image at midnight?

pageauc commented 6 years ago release ver 9.2 now takes an image at start of sequence and timelapse will continue per timer settings. This should solve your original issue. I am also working on setting a scheduled date/time for start of timelapse sequence and will issue when ready.

You can do a quick upgrade per

cd ~/pi-timolo
wget -O
pageauc commented 6 years ago

I have released pi-timolo ver 10.0 that now includes scheduled StartAt variables for motion, timelapse and video repeat. See Wiki for details How to Schedule Motion, Timelapse or VideoRepeat