pageauc / speed-camera

A Unix, Windows, Raspberry Pi Object Speed Camera using python, opencv, video streaming, motion tracking. Includes a Standalone Web Server Interface, Image Search using opencv template match and a whiptail Admin Menu Interface Includes picam and webcam Plugins for motion track security camera configuration including rclone sync script. watch-app allows remotely controller camera configuration from a remote storage service name. Uses sqlite3 and gnuplot for reporting. Recently added openalpr license plate reader support.
Apache License 2.0
987 stars 173 forks source link

the fps influence the speed ? #22

Closed luisfranciscocesar closed 6 years ago

luisfranciscocesar commented 6 years ago

the fps influence the speed ?, Why the fps change sometimes varies by light or speed or other factors, is not always constant.

pageauc commented 6 years ago

fps for the speed opencv loop is not directly based on camera fps. There is a balance between the two. If the camera is running in a separate thread (multi core cpu) then it will supply camera frames (images) as demanded. The main opencv loop speed is dependent on the time required to process images and do calculations. Also Raspbian is not a real time operating system so sometimes loop processing will be interrupted while Raspbian performs other tasks not related to the main speed loop processing. These factors and more can affect the main speed processing loop fps.