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A browser based Pokémon fangame heavily inspired by the roguelite genre.
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[Feature] Rework berries (and other consumables) #2402

Open Terrorforge opened 2 weeks ago

Terrorforge commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Berries are pretty annoying in a number of ways:

Describe the Feature

My suggestion is to rework the way berries work:

  1. Each pokemon may only hold one berry.
  2. This berry is NOT permanently consumed on use or when removed by an effect like Incinerate, but can only activate once per battle (barring an effect like Harvest or Recycle)
  3. Display this berry prominently in the item list
  4. Severely reduce the rate at which wild pokemon carry berries, and/or limit them to lower-tier berries
  5. Restructure the rarity of berry rewards. Leppa and stat-boosting berries can remain Common; Sitrus berries to Ultra; Lum berries to Rogue.

This would reduce clutter and remove the need to constantly fiddle with your berry stocks while making the choice of which berry to use more interesting, particularly for pokemon with moves and abilities that interact with berries. You'd easily be able to see what berry the opponent has and play around it. Berries would be less powerful overall, but they would feel better due to being more consistent; no more being immune to status until whoops the random encounter confused you twice and now you don't have any for the rival fight.

This system could be extended to all consumable items, which would give us a clear path to implementing items like White Herb and Focus Sash, which are currently a bit of a question mark. The same goes for abilities like Unburden.

Additional context

If this change were adopted, I would also recommend the following additional changes:

  1. Make Knock Off interact only with consumables Knock Off is another thing that's pretty annoying regardless of which side of the field it's on. When the player uses it, it will often just remove an inconsequential stat berry so its utility function is limited, but when used against you it has a chance to remove rare, important items like Leftovers and Multi Lens, which feels really bad. By making it act on consumables only, the move becomes much more consistent. It has a practical utility function, and its less annoying when used against you because it can't permanently mangle your pokemon. It would also restore the vanilla dynamic where you can only get the bonus damage once against each opposing pokemon and only if it hasn't used its item yet, giving it something that at least resembles a downside. Consider doing the same for moves like Thief and Trick, but those are a little more challenging.

  2. Make Reviver Seed a Master-tier consumable Reviver Seeds have many of the same problems as berries. They're super frustrating when they appear on enemy pokemon, but they're also super frustrating to have on your own pokemon because you can easily lose them to the smallest of blunders. They're also hard to notice and keep track of on both sides of the field because of the cluttered item lists, making it easy to get caught off guard. By making it a consumable under the proposed system, the Reviver Seed is now a super cool item to find as loot because it's not gone forever if you make a single oopsie, but it's also easier to deal with in opponents. It would be much easier to see if the opponent has one so it's less of a surprise. You would be able to interact directly with it through moves like Knock Off, and the opportunity cost of not having a Lum or Sitrus berry would make the pokemon easier to manage outside of the resurrection effect.

  3. Introduce a combination anti-weakness berry Introducing all the "halves damage taken from a super effective [blank]-type move" berries would clutter the rewards really badly and make it unlikely to get one you can actually use, so do for these what was done for the Lum berry and just combine all of them into one berry that halves the damage of the first super effective move you get hit with in a battle, period. This is obviously powerful, but again it would be balanced by the existence of counterplay and the opportunity cost of not having another powerful tool like a Lum berry.

RNGezeus commented 2 weeks ago

Berries are pretty annoying in a number of ways:


The only good way to stock up on berries is Pickup, which makes Pickup feel mandatory

Mostly true for classic, you can also use magician. Yesterday my Gmax buttefree kept up basically permanent berry supply from E4 and stole multiple eggs, leftovers, focusband and dmg+ items. In endless its true up to the point you get max grips and berry pouch, think I usually achieve that by floor 600-900 or so but it was a while now.

It's easy to just lose them randomly while fighting wild pokemon that don't really threaten you, possibly without even noticing, making the above worse

Absolutely, I have to transfer berries to some random bank mon. On monotype runs I catch whatever i find at early route as a pure baggage carrier so I don't accidentally use berries.

Each pokemon may only hold one berry. This berry is NOT permanently consumed on use or when removed by an effect like Incinerate, but can only activate once per battle (barring an effect like Harvest or Recycle)

to jump a head a bit, Reviver seed is kinda insane with this since its basically giving anything a improved bonus sturdy since it doesn't need to activate from full hp, and to IIRC it also stops multi-hit moves on activation. While multi-lens is the benefit of parental bond (double secondary effect) it does penalize the damage to do so.

How about 2-3 berries but give them a usage limit per berry until its consumed (we still keep that 1 activation per berry per battle). This would probably want support in form of a berry pouch that stores excess "mint condition" berries though since otherwise we just come back to the original issue of annoying micromanagement.

And how does this interact with black hole and pickup? Can it steal berries if we already got one? I currently micromanage some fights to make them use all their berries so i get 100% pickup chance of their type-dmg boost items.

Terrorforge commented 2 weeks ago

In endless its true up to the point you get max grips and berry pouch

I'm currently on wave 4k+ for the first time and I've found the problem reasserts itself. I don't know if Metal Burst can steal items at all, but it certainly doesn't multi-hit so your odds of stealing the stuff you need are kinda eh.

Reviver seed is kinda insane with this

Yeah it's cracked, but it would be in Master Ball tier with a suitably low weight. In Classic you'd only encounter it in maybe 1 out of every 5 runs tops and get really excited about it, and I think it might actually be healthy for Endless? Currently lategame Endless is hugely overcentralized around Sturdy as one of maybe 2 or 3 abilities that aren't completely useless, and having a guaranteed Sturdy-like effect without burning your ability slot would open up for a little more build diversity. And it's easy to miss because you get so used to having Lum berries all the time, but not being functionally immune to status and confusion is a very real downside. Also keep in mind that unlike Sturdy, Reviver Seed clears stat stages and other ongoing effects, so at least it's not a total free pass for setup sweepers. That said, I'm not opposed to reining it in a bit. Could give it the max-hp restriction so it's just a better Focus Sash or something. I would rather nerf it than exclude it from this mechanic, because I do find the way it works right now to be very annoying.

How about 2-3 berries but give them a usage limit per berry until its consumed (we still keep that 1 activation per berry per battle)

I don't love that. Feels like it still has too much of the bookkeeping problem where you have to keep careful track of your stocks and ensure you have a means to keep topping them up. It also still incentivizes you to keep your good berries on a mule because you don't want to burn Lum charges when a random Zubat hits you with Confuse Ray. One infinitely reusable berry feels like a cleaner solution. And it's only really Reviver Seed that's a potential problem here, right? If that's the only sticking point, I'd rather not make Reviver Seed a berry to begin with than add extra stipulations to the berry mechanics to keep it in check.

And how does this interact with black hole and pickup? Can it steal berries if we already got one?

My inclination is to just not have them interact with berries at all. If they were to interact with berries, you'd probably need some kind of confirmation screen after the battle re:whether you want to take the new berry or keep the old one, but the easiest solution would be to simply not have them mess with the berries at all. Whether or not you do that, this change would undoubtedly make the Mini Black Hole on Eternatus significantly nastier because you don't have a huge buffer of irrelevant berries to shield you from it. But then Eternatus also wouldn't have much protecting it from your theft, or indeed your status. It also wouldn't be able to steal your Reviver Seed, which is probably the worst thing that can happen right now. In Classic, that's the last fight anyway and you're probably not gonna be 100% dependent on your items to function so it's probably fine, and in Endless you can get excess type-boosting items as shields and have 1000 levels to recollect anything you lose. Pickup would then grab a type-boosting item pretty much every time, except sometimes in trainer battles. Would need to make sure the rate of those items appearing isn't high enough to cause balance problems. If that's properly calibrated, Pickup can hopefully become an ability that's nice to have and offers a worthwhile advantage, but doesn't feel completely mandatory.