pagehelper / Mybatis-PageHelper

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collection 关联查询 First_PageHelper 缺失异常 #46

Closed zengqw closed 7 years ago

zengqw commented 7 years ago


重现: 1.使用分页查询某条数据 假设在Mapper里面 id="selectA" (此处会改变 id="selectA" 的sqlSource 为PageDynamicSqlSource) 2.使用分页查询另外一条数据,但是其resultMap里面包含了selectA 如:

    <resultMap id="ResultMap" type="XXXForm" >
        <collection property="pros" column="Id=prosID" select="selectA" />

在mybatis在查出主表的数据之后,会执行查询属性pros的语句selectA,在 PageSqlSource.getBoundSql方法里面获取SQL的时候就会将selectA也当作是需要分页查询的语句


然后这里实际上是不需要分页查询的,所以再获取 First_PageHelper 的时候会报找不到 First_PageHelper 属性的异常。


abel533 commented 7 years ago


zengqw commented 7 years ago



思考过后,提一个小小的改动,你看看是否可行: PageSqlSource.getBoundSql:

public BoundSql getBoundSql(Object parameterObject) { Boolean count = getCount(); if (count == null) { return getDefaultBoundSql(parameterObject); } else if (count) { return getCountBoundSql(parameterObject); } else { return getPageBoundSql(parameterObject); } }


public BoundSql getBoundSql(Object parameterObject) { Boolean count = getCount(); if (count == null) { return getDefaultBoundSql(parameterObject); } else if (count) { return getCountBoundSql(parameterObject); } else { BoundSql boundSql = getPageBoundSql(parameterObject); SqlUtil.clearLocalPage(); return boundSql; } }

思路是,在获取count SQL之后就会获取分页Sql,而我们希望获取分页sql只是一次性的(下次查询有可能是子查询所以不希望这里再得到分页sql),获取完之后就失效了(这里请您判断下是否会有其他影响),所以在这里提前清理LocalPage。

abel533 commented 7 years ago


DEBUG [main] - ==>  Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM country 
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 
TRACE [main] - <==    Columns: C1
TRACE [main] - <==        Row: 183
DEBUG [main] - <==      Total: 1
DEBUG [main] - Cache Hit Ratio [com.github.pagehelper.mapper.CountryMapper]: 0.0
DEBUG [main] - ==>  Preparing: select * from country limit ? offset ? 
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 5(Integer), 0(Integer)
TRACE [main] - <==        Row: 1, Angola, AO
DEBUG [main] - Cache Hit Ratio [com.github.pagehelper.mapper.CountryMapper]: 0.0
DEBUG [main] - ====>  Preparing: select * from country order by id 
DEBUG [main] - ====> Parameters: 
TRACE [main] - <====    Columns: ID, COUNTRYNAME, COUNTRYCODE
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 1, Angola, AO
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 2, Afghanistan, AF
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 3, Albania, AL
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 4, Algeria, DZ
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 5, Andorra, AD
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 6, Anguilla, AI
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 7, Antigua and Barbuda, AG
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 8, Argentina, AR
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 9, Armenia, AM
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 10, Australia, AU
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 11, Austria, AT
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 12, Azerbaijan, AZ
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 13, Bahamas, BS
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 14, Bahrain, BH
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 15, Bangladesh, BD
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 16, Barbados, BB
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 17, Belarus, BY
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 18, Belgium, BE
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 19, Belize, BZ
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 20, Benin, BJ
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 21, Bermuda Is., BM
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 22, Bolivia, BO
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 23, Botswana, BW
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 24, Brazil, BR
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 25, Brunei, BN
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 26, Bulgaria, BG
TRACE [main] - <====        Row: 27, Burkina-faso, BF
abel533 commented 7 years ago


    <resultMap id="collectionMap" type="com.github.pagehelper.model.Country">
        <id column="id" property="id"/>
        <collection property="countries" column="countryname" ofType="com.github.pagehelper.model.Country" select="selectAll"/>

    <select id="selectCollectionMap" resultMap="collectionMap">
        select * from country


abel533 commented 7 years ago

select * from country order by id 这个查询由于没有条件,所以这里只查询一次,后面都用的一级缓存。

zengqw commented 7 years ago

hi,感谢您的回复,可能是我没把问题描述清楚,这次我也试图用代码来描述一下。 mapper配置

    <resultMap id="collectionMap" type="com.example.demo.model.CountryVo">
        <id column="id" property="id" />
        <collection property="countries" column="id"
            ofType="com.example.demo.model.Country" select="com.example.demo.mapper.CountryMapper.selectAllCountry" />

    <select id="selectCollectionMap" resultMap="collectionMap">
        select * from country
    <select id="selectAllCountry" resultType="com.example.demo.model.Country">
        select * from country

java代码: 增加了一个实体类:

public class CountryVo extends Country {
    List<Country> countries;
    public List<Country> getCountries() {
        return countries;
    public void setCountries(List<Country> countries) {
        this.countries = countries;


@SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
public class MyBatisTest {
    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
    private CountryMapper countryMapper;
    protected SqlSessionTemplate session;

    public void testSelectCollectionMap() {
        //这里可以先打断点 执行session.getConfiguration().getMappedStatement("com.example.demo.mapper.CountryMapper.selectAllCountry"); 
        //目的是查看 此MappedStatement的sqlSource属性(此时是SqlSource)
        List list1 = PageHelper.startPage(1,3);

        // 同样此处再打断点查看相应的selectAllCountry的MappedStatement的sqlSource属性(此时是PageRawSqlSource)
        //此处的selectCollectionMap 包含了 上面的selectAllCountry子查询
        List list2 = countryMapper.selectCollectionMap();

日志为: DEBUG com.example.demo.MyBatisTest - =========first============= DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry_COUNT - ==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM country DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry_COUNT - ==> Parameters: DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry_COUNT - <== Total: 1 DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ==> Preparing: select from country limit ?,? DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ==> Parameters: 0(Integer), 3(Integer) DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - <== Total: 3 DEBUG com.example.demo.MyBatisTest - =========second============= DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectCollectionMap_COUNT - ==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM country DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectCollectionMap_COUNT - ==> Parameters: DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectCollectionMap_COUNT - <== Total: 1 DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectCollectionMap - ==> Preparing: select from country limit ?,? DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectCollectionMap - ==> Parameters: 0(Integer), 3(Integer) DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ====> Preparing: select from country limit ?,? DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ====> Parameters: 1(Integer), 1(Integer) DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - <==== Total: 1 DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ====> Preparing: select from country limit ?,? DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ====> Parameters: 2(Integer), 2(Integer) DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - <==== Total: 2 DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ====> Preparing: select * from country limit ?,? DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - ====> Parameters: 3(Integer), 3(Integer) DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectAllCountry - <==== Total: 3 DEBUG c.e.d.m.C.selectCollectionMap - <== Total: 3 DEBUG com.example.demo.MyBatisTest - =========end=============


zengqw commented 7 years ago

另外,这个问题在不同数据库的使用上反应出来的问题也不一样: 1).oracle环境下是抛异常" First_PageHelper"缺失。 2).mySql环境下没有发生抛错,但是运行结果有误。

zengqw commented 7 years ago

hi,感谢您抽空看这个问题,这个我在三楼提议的提前清空线程变量里面的分页数据 SqlUtil.clearLocalPage(); 是否可行? 感觉这样改动会比较小(我这边大概测了一下是修复了此问题,但没全面测,不知道是否会有影响到其他功能)

abel533 commented 7 years ago

@zengqw 不会影响其他功能。

zengqw commented 7 years ago


abel533 commented 7 years ago



zyong2004 commented 7 years ago


zengqw commented 7 years ago

@zyong2004 @abel533 恩恩,5.0.1不存在这个问题。这个问题只在4.X版本有。