pageldev / libOpenDRIVE

Small, lightweight C++ library for handling OpenDRIVE files
Apache License 2.0
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Python Bindings with pybind11 or nanobind #89

Open JonasHablitzelAVLD opened 8 months ago

JonasHablitzelAVLD commented 8 months ago


thanks for the great work!

I wanted to ask if there is any plan to inlcude python bindings for the tool in general or if it should stay as simple as possible and the bindings should be handeled externally? I think other tools like scenariogeneration could benefit from the faster and nice processing of geometries in this libary.

Best regards,


pageldev commented 7 months ago

Hi, thanks, appreciate it!

I do notice a bigger interest in Python bindings. Unfortunately, I have no experience with Python bindings and currently don't have plans / time to work on it. But I am of course open to adding it. I would like to keep this project lean, but I imagine that only the build needs to be extended a bit and some glue code needs to be written.

Anybody feel free to make a pull request to add this functionality.

jpahm commented 4 months ago

Hi, just wanted to write here to notify that I'm currently working on a Cython wrapper for this library as part of a project for an organization I'm in. It's still extremely WIP and isn't usable yet, but I'll be working on it consistently and should have something usable within a month or so ideally.

Thank you @pageldev for this awesome library!