pages-themes / cayman

Cayman is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
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The cayman theme is not currently supported on GitHub Pages #130

Closed DSoko2 closed 3 years ago

DSoko2 commented 3 years ago

I get the following error since July 22nd 2021 when building Github Pages with the cayman theme, if the following two lines are included in the _config:

  is_project_page: false

Removing these from the _config solves the issue in my case. However, I would like to have that configuration to hide the "View on GitHub" button.

The build error:

The page build failed for the `main` branch with the following error:

The cayman theme is not currently supported on GitHub Pages. For more information, see

Repo I investigated and faced this issue on:

retroluxfilm commented 3 years ago

I get the same error on with my github pages. Just changed some page contents and ran into that issue. Might be connected that the CI fails due to 404 on ?

squallstar commented 3 years ago

I'm getting a similar problem since a few hours ago:


parkr commented 3 years ago

Removing these from the _config solves the issue in my case

This is very, very strange. I can confirm that a basic _config.yml works fine, but adding github.is_project_page: false seems to break the build. 🤔

parkr commented 3 years ago

@squallstar Interesting – the Sass in this repo is jekyll-theme-cayman.scss ( Not sure how importing cayman would have worked before? 🤔

dangowans commented 3 years ago

I'm getting a similar problem since a few hours ago:


Getting the same issue as @squallstar after adding assets/css/style.scss. I removed it and things worked again.

dangowans commented 3 years ago

It looks like this issue is affecting more than just cayman. Posted two hours ago.

AnonyPla commented 3 years ago

It's also affecting the hacker theme

parkr commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, please try again now and let me know how it's working for you. If things are still broken, please let me know how!

DSoko2 commented 3 years ago

Works again for me. At least my issue described in the original post of this issue is fixed. Thank you!

Jmuccigr commented 3 years ago

Another report of a similar problem here. Still not working.

pox commented 3 years ago

Not sure it's the same issue @Jmuccigr . The error I'm getting with hacker theme is:

Your SCSS file assets/css/style.scss has an error on line 1: File to import not found or unreadable: hacker. Load path: /tmp/jekyll-remote-theme-20210724-6-10nliyy/_sass.

But in any case the error seems to be unrelated to a specific theme - it's a general github pages issue I suspect.

filipvanlaenen commented 3 years ago

I got things working again by removing assets/css/style.scss, but as soon as I add the file again to make a custom change, it's broken. The problem is that it breaks on the import, whether you import just "" or "{{ site.theme }}".

pox commented 3 years ago

That basically means no customization possible and a zillion pages currently broken

filipvanlaenen commented 3 years ago

I think so, @pox . Is there a separate ticket for that issue?

filipvanlaenen commented 3 years ago

I've described the problem here:

AnonyPla commented 3 years ago

My issues were the same but with a different theme (hacker) got solved "online" with the fix above. My issue when building locally with bundle got solved by changing this in the scss style files:

@import "{{ site.theme }}";


@import 'jekyll-theme-hacker'; (in my case if was the hacker theme)

And by adding gemspec to the gemfile (locally) as well as using the one provided by the theme. In this case it would be

I also added the gemspec file to the .gitignore

Edit: and just edit the gemfile by adding gem 'jekyll-theme-hacker', group: :jekyll_plugins

Also lastly, I had to install the actual theme gem so gem install jekyll-theme-hacker which was not needed before. This solved all my issues locally and online.

pox commented 3 years ago

@AnonyPla's fix ( works for me as well.

Jmuccigr commented 3 years ago

@AnonyPla's fix (#130 (comment)) works for me as well.

Yes, this works for me too (mutatis mutandis since I use the minimal theme which I already have installed locally), but it's more a work-around than a fix, no? The theme should be import-able from the config file without hardcoding it into the scss.

DaveSkender commented 3 years ago

I've expanded on this fix from @AnonyPla here and provided some observations of the problem. Basically, I'd also recommend an explicit add of the theme to your GemFile.

AnonyPla commented 3 years ago

Yes and I edited my solution based on yours. The gemspec file is not needed. But in my case I had to install the theme using gem too. It wasn't there.

Jas0n0ss commented 1 year ago

You should change theme from cayman to jekyll-theme-cayman in your _config.yaml