Bitcoin chart visualizer with agent that takes custom actions. Uses simple trading strategy such as buy/sell when programmed combination of indicators cross certain thresholds. Features a trainable reinforcement agent trained on chosen indicators and/ or raw BTC data. Keep stacking 💎
Let agent take BUY/SELL actions, and invest using margin
Let agent take BUY/SELL actions, and implement an algorithm that decides the TP, SL, and size of investment based on certain indicators (ie: volatility, ATR)
Let agent decide the investment strategy
GA to decide the size of the investment.. Markov chains to predict future prices?
Bonus question:
train a super deep RL agent on just the coin data and the sell/buy action of another RL agent that was trained with the indicators. Perhaps agent figures out the 'make moneyzz' policy and do it better
Make RL agent that takes buy/sell actions. Input data:
TODO see
Baseline model:
Bonus question: