Open crystalfp opened 1 year ago
Seems I found the cause. This file contains a class with a big method (~600 lines). For test I shortened it to < 200 lines and the error disappeared. Now I will try to refactor this routine, well, not only to solve this problem. Anyway, at least returning the error to the user could help a lot! Thanks mario
Unfortunately the refactoring changed nothing. Same error from madge --debug
Finding files
2023-03-20T09:51:20.667Z madge using src paths [ 'D:\\Projects\\VUEIdeaIgniterEnvironment\\server\\server\\Routes.ts' ]
2023-03-20T09:51:20.669Z madge using config { baseDir: './server', excludeRegExp: false, fileExtensions: [ 'ts' ], includeNpm: false, requireConfig: null, webpackConfig: null, tsConfig: { compilerOptions: { target: 'esnext', module: 'esnext', lib: [Array], sourceMap: true, incremental: true, removeComments: true, strict: true, alwaysStrict: true, useDefineForClassFields: true, noUnusedLocals: true, noUnusedParameters: true, noImplicitReturns: true, moduleResolution: 'node', allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true, esModuleInterop: true, resolveJsonModule: true, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true, importsNotUsedAsValues: 'remove', strictNullChecks: true }, include: [ '*', '../common/*' ], exclude: [ './node_modules', './tests' ] }, rankdir: 'LR', layout: 'dot', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: '14px', backgroundColor: '#111111', nodeColor: '#c6c5fe', nodeShape: 'box', nodeStyle: 'rounded', noDependencyColor: '#cfffac', cyclicNodeColor: '#ff6c60', edgeColor: '#757575', graphVizOptions: false, graphVizPath: false, dependencyFilter: [Function (anonymous)], debug: true, detectiveOptions: { ts: { skipTypeImports: false } }, version: [Function: version] }
2023-03-20T09:51:22.356Z madge using base directory D:\Projects\VUEIdeaIgniterEnvironment\server\server
2023-03-20T09:51:22.358Z tree given filename: D:\Projects\VUEIdeaIgniterEnvironment\server\server\Routes.ts
2023-03-20T09:51:22.358Z tree resolved filename: D:\Projects\VUEIdeaIgniterEnvironment\server\server\Routes.ts
2023-03-20T09:51:22.358Z tree visited: {}
2023-03-20T09:51:22.358Z tree traversing D:\Projects\VUEIdeaIgniterEnvironment\server\server\Routes.ts
2023-03-20T09:51:22.360Z typescript-eslint:typescript-estree:createSourceFile Getting AST without type information in TS mode for: D:\Projects\VUEIdeaIgniterEnvironment\server\estree.ts
2023-03-20T09:51:22.397Z tree error getting dependencies: Expression expected.
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree TSError: Expression expected.
at createError (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\node-utils.js:539:12)
at convertError (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\convert.js:41:41)
at astConverter (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\ast-converter.js:15:42)
at parseWithNodeMapsInternal (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\parser.js:65:66)
at Object.parse (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\parser.js:43:21)
at module.exports.parse (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\node-source-walk\index.js:64:22)
at module.exports.walk (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\node-source-walk\index.js:108:42)
at module.exports (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\detective-typescript\index.js:33:10)
at precinct (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\dependency-tree\node_modules\precinct\index.js:108:20)
at precinct.paperwork (c:\Users\mvalle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\madge\node_modules\dependency-tree\node_modules\precinct\index.js:161:16)
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree cabinet-resolved all dependencies: []
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree using filter function to filter out dependencies
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree unfiltered number of dependencies: 0
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree filtered number of dependencies: 0
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree traversal complete {}
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree deduped list of nonExistent partials: []
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree object form of results requested
2023-03-20T09:51:22.398Z tree final tree {
'D:\\Projects\\VUEIdeaIgniterEnvironment\\server\\server\\Routes.ts': {}
Well, at least my class now looks better...
I'm getting a different error...
⠋ Finding files madge using src paths [ 'D:\\blankstorm\\src\\client\\index.ts' ] +0ms
madge using config { baseDir: null, excludeRegExp: false, fileExtensions: [ 'ts' ], includeNpm: false, requireConfig: null, webpackConfig: null, tsConfig: null, rankdir: 'LR', layout: 'dot', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: '14px', backgroundColor: '#111111', nodeColor: '#c6c5fe', nodeShape: 'box', nodeStyle: 'rounded', noDependencyColor: '#cfffac', cyclicNodeColor: '#ff6c60', edgeColor: '#757575', graphVizOptions: false, graphVizPath: false, dependencyFilter: [Function (anonymous)], detectiveOptions: { ts: { skipTypeImports: true } }, image: 'C:/Users/preve/Pictures/Blankstorm/Deps/client.svg', extensions: 'ts', debug: true, version: [Function: version] } +2ms
madge using base directory D:/blankstorm/src/client +2ms
tree given filename: D:\blankstorm\src\client\index.ts +0ms
tree resolved filename: D:\blankstorm\src\client\index.ts +0ms
tree visited: {} +0ms
tree traversing D:\blankstorm\src\client\index.ts +0ms
typescript-eslint:typescript-estree:createSourceFile Getting AST without type information in TS mode for: D:\blankstorm\estree.ts +0ms
tree error getting dependencies: Property or signature expected. +33ms
tree TSError: Property or signature expected.
tree at createError (C:\Users\preve\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v18.14.0\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\node-utils.js:529:12)
tree at convertError (C:\Users\preve\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v18.14.0\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\convert.js:41:41)
tree at astConverter (C:\Users\preve\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v18.14.0\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\ast-converter.js:15:42)
tree at parseWithNodeMapsInternal (C:\Users\preve\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v18.14.0\node_modules\madge\node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\parser.js:65:66)
tree cabinet-resolved all dependencies: [] +2ms
tree using filter function to filter out dependencies +0ms
tree unfiltered number of dependencies: 0 +0ms
tree filtered number of dependencies: 0 +0ms
tree traversal complete {} +1ms
tree deduped list of nonExistent partials: [] +0ms
tree object form of results requested +0ms
tree final tree { 'D:\\blankstorm\\src\\client\\index.ts': {} } +0ms
✔ Image created at C:\Users\preve\Pictures\Blankstorm\Deps\client.svg
Imports (TypeScript)
import { Vector2, Vector3 } from '@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.vector';
import { Color3 } from '@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.color';
import { Engine } from '@babylonjs/core/Engines/engine';
import $ from 'jquery';
$.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 3000 });
import { GAME_URL, config, version, versions } from '../core/meta';
import { isHex, isJSON, random, xpToLevel } from '../core/utils';
import { commands, execCommandString } from '../core/commands';
import * as api from '../core/api';
import { Ship } from '../core/entities/Ship';
import type { Player } from '../core/entities/Player';
import type { Entity } from '../core/entities/Entity';
import type { ShipType } from '../core/generic/ships';
import { Level } from '../core/Level';
import { Keybind, SettingsMap } from './settings';
import { LocaleStore } from './locales';
import { upload, minimize, alert, cookies } from './utils';
import { Waypoint } from './waypoint';
import { SaveMap, Save, LiveSave } from './Save';
import { ServerMap, Server } from './Server';
import fs from './fs';
import * as ui from './ui/ui';
import { sounds, playsound } from './audio';
import * as renderer from '../renderer/index';
The file is 956 lines and worked fine when it was JavaScript.
I think it might have to do with Madge's Typescript being older than your project's Typescript, and also that the dependencies are not returned when a TSError occurs (so it thinks that the file is a leaf node)
Explicitly installing Typescript into npm -g
(instead of relying on having it from peer dependencies) seems to fix the problem
Madge 6.0.0 seems finding dependencies correctly for my Node typescript application except for one module (Routes.ts) for which all dependencies are ignored. These are the dependencies, nothing strange here:
Running madge with --debug shows an error:
Is this a madge bug, or I have done something strange in my module (that otherwise compiles without errors)? Thanks for your help! mario