pahimar / Equivalent-Exchange-3
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Basic Transmutation - Transmutation Circles #240

Closed DarkDestry closed 10 years ago

DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

To keep with the FMA idea of using transmutation circles in EE3, I want to suggest a possible way to implement it. What I see the biggest difference between EE and the anime it is based off of is that theres no transmutation circles.

Using an invisible block, probably the size of redstone, one could use that block overlay a **\ sheet on the ground. (Not sure what that is called having a bad time thinking at the moment. I want to say Sprite but not sure if its the correct one.)

So chronologically, a player obtains an item known as a chalk somehow. He right clicks on the ground and an invisible block appears. This block is then rightclicked WITH A CHALK to open up the interface which would have a ton of different circles on the right. By combining those circles, the transmutation circle will be drawn. One places the chalk he has into the interface and clicks the different circles on the right. When its done, he exits the interface and throws stuff on it. Then with his BARE HANDS, he right clicks the transmutation circle on the ground where the transmutation takes place.

It is also possible to use this method to have the transmutation circle overlay on the ground over an area of about 10x10 where the circle will tell the player where to place certain machines to perform this transmutation. For example, the creation of the philosopher's stone where the redwater is placed at a corner of the transmutation circle and something else elsewhere.

riking commented 11 years ago

What anime are you talking about? I've never really heard of it.

EDIT: Oh, FMA = FullMetal Alchemist.

This sounds like a suggestion for a different mod to me. The "size" of an invisible block is immaterial. (heh pun) So your suggestion is that, instead of a "worktable"-like block to do transmutation, like the TT in EE2, a multi-block structure is required?

PrincessOfEvil commented 11 years ago

AlChemical stand?

DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

What im saying is that the transmutation circle will be an illusion. An illusion that is bigger than the invisible block. Something like an entity that is floating one pixel above the ground. It will mark out locations for machines in large transmutations or just simply be a visual thing in small transmutations

pahimar commented 11 years ago

Is this because you saw the chalk sprite in the item sprite sheet? ;-)

Let's just say I have some ideas and plans re: circles

DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

Actually i didnt see any sprite sheet. It was in my mind for quite a while (Quite a while being since you leaked the redwater to the public) and i was building on it before proposing it. But given that its only a floating entity it is able to extend beyond the original block whit the block as the center.

Also just to satisfy my curiosity, is EE3 gonna be in the upcomming Ultimate Modpack on FTB?

PrincessOfEvil commented 11 years ago

Too many FMA bad word here. -_- Back to read-only.

pahimar commented 11 years ago


DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

Well if you have some idea on the transmutation circles ill wait and see.

Still is EE3 in the Ultimate Modpack for FTB?

DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

Also to add on, transmutations on this method in small scale should be around repairs and some other stuff. Based off the law of equivalent exchange, you throw a damaged pick and a material on the circle and right click with your bare hands, the transmutation occurs and you get a repaired pick. Of course, the kinds of transmutation would be large enough to have many different circles. Things like simple transmutation without a minium stone where only simple materials can be transmuted. eg. a stack of sand to a stack of cobble. This should be the most basic kind of transmutation out there. With Minium stone being medium tier and Philosopher stone being high tier.

One thing i still conficts in my mind is that Al (From FMA) was turned into a philosopher stone and transmutations done to him still harms his body. This also reinforced by several other scenes that the philosopher's stone indeed can degrade to nothing. Does thins mean that the Philosopher stone in EE2 and EE3 as of now is wrong? Is it supposed to only be a more long term tool compared to the minium stone?

DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

What i see severe lack of is transmutation circles. However you are going ti implement it is your own decision. Heck as a secret you might even include the 3 dimensional transmutation circle from "The Sacred Star of Milos" Just please have more functionality with transmutation circles as it is supposed to be core of alchemy. At least according to FMA.

riking commented 11 years ago

So you want something like Runecraft?

DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

Can you link me to the mod's thread or sth ? Cant seem to find it.

EDIT: Assuming you are referring to the bukkit plugin runecraft, No thats now what i want.

What i want is say a "Meal Table" block from TFC or sth of that sorts. With that, when right clicked with a chalk opens up an interface. With that interface and that chalk, you draw transmutation circles on the ground. By that i mean by clicking the buttons on the interface and having different combinations of it, different transmutation circles will appear.

Now as to how the transmutation circle will appear visible in the normal gameplay, one can use the invisible block as the center and overlay a visual transmutation circle on the ground. By my basic understanding of mechanics, should i call it an entity is summoned and it will appear flat on the ground. The entity will range from 3x3 to 10x10 for varying degree of transmutation.

For an example of this, Refer to Ars Magica's Nexus. What i am suggesting is the Magic circle that appears on the ground in that case. The Circle will only be a visual thing. There is nothing preventing from blocks to be placed over it.

For huge transmutation, one would use that transmutation circle as a visual representation of where certain machines should be. For small transmutations, it would be the lowest tier transmutation method that does not require a minium stone.

Astoriane commented 11 years ago

As i commented on another guy:

Great idea! what i thought was to have 1 transmutation altar that would be made in-world like with obsidian or stuff and then you have to learn circles like "Lvl. 1 Fuel Transmutation Circle" and combine different Circles to Transmute different stuff like: glowstone is Matter but it is also considered as Fuel and can be only obtained going through the Nether.... so you need to combine a "Lvl. 2 Fuel Transmutation Circle", a "Lvl. 1 Matter transmutation Circle" and a "Nether Transmutation Circle" to get an altar that is able to transmute glowstone for you to learn it throw one in the circle and a lightning strikes (just for awesomeness) and let's assume it has like a 1000 emc value you'll have to throw 1000 dirt in the circle to get one. and just for the record, every circle has its own rendering like if nether transmutation circle is a pentagram (a star in a circle) and if tha matter transmutation circle is a pentagon when you combine these two it'll render as a star in a pentagon that's in a circle. and it'll be like a "Nether Matter Transmutation Circle" a lvl 2 matter transmutation circle would be a pentagon within a pentagon (yeah so nice!) s

WORMSS commented 11 years ago

If we are taking FMA as a basis of this mod, should the "souls/deaths" of the other dimension not be taken into account too? Since it was actually them that powered this equivalent exchange? EG, the transmutation itself actually required something.. I know EXP can be "farmed" now, but might be nice to see if its possible to use experience to mutate. I am not talking about entire "levels", just parts of them. Since there is Math that works out what each level is worth.

DarkDestry commented 11 years ago

WORMSS Please start a different suggestion thread for a different topic. This here is under suggestion for transmutation circles as the lowest level transmutation.

The point here is that even minium stone is considered advanced in the actual storyline of FMA. The most basic of the basics should be transmutation circles. On top of that, if the game could be learnt so much so to be like a language, aka you HAVE to memorize the different combinations of circles to from a transmutation circle, it would make the game more intresting and more of a reason for someone to want to go higher up to the M.Stone or P.Stone to rid themselves of this memorization.

Also to what astorian said, The circle should not be made physically and instead only a graphical overlay that is created by an invisible block. If one were to make it physically like using blocks, it would look way too big to be a transmutation circle. As mentioned, I am not trying to suggest something like runecraft bukkit plugin. This is a mod and as such, should have more customization to it other than placing down something and have the server tell you in chat what you are doing. But yes. It should be a combination of a couple of basic circles that stack on top of each other to get a certain effect.

WORMSS commented 11 years ago

Sorry, I got caught up on the whole "make it more like the anime" and got sidetracked.. (Wasn't something I was honestly suggesting, just mentioning/rambling)