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Error: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data') #39

Closed esot321c closed 10 months ago

esot321c commented 11 months ago


How to recreate:

esot321c commented 11 months ago

API Error response:

"\"(psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation) duplicate key value violates unique constraint \\"dao_id_name_on_chain_id\\"\nDETAIL: Key (dao_id, on_chain_id, name)=(da651be0-2d1c-4d55-b51c-efd6b30cb1d9, 4, Hello) already exists.\n\n[SQL: INSERT INTO proposals (id, dao_id, on_chain_id, user_details_id, name, image_url, category, content, voting_system, actions, tags, attachments, status, is_proposal, box_height, votes) VALUES (%(id)s, %(dao_id)s, %(on_chain_id)s, %(user_details_id)s, %(name)s, %(image_url)s, %(category)s, %(content)s, %(voting_system)s, %(actions)s, %(tags)s, %(attachments)s, %(status)s, %(is_proposal)s, %(box_height)s, %(votes)s)]\n[parameters: {'id': UUID('afa683bd-b6d3-4ec6-a921-cd50f053baf1'), 'dao_id': UUID('da651be0-2d1c-4d55-b51c-efd6b30cb1d9'), 'on_chain_id': 4, 'user_details_id': UUID('2676df16-9c14-4879-970e-0162e53664e1'), 'name': 'Hello', 'image_url': '', 'category': 'General', 'content': 'test', 'voting_system': 'yes/no', 'actions': '{\\"actions_list\\": [{\\"actionType\\": \\"SendFundsBasic\\", \\"action\\": {\\"activationTime\\": 1695593624312, \\"optionId\\": 1, \\"outputs\\": [{\\"address\\": \\"9ebmurBJQWeWQg ... (21 characters truncated) ... r7P2tvnJ4afAy67x\\", \\"nergs\\": 1000000, \\"tokens\\": [[\\"0040ae650c4ed77bcd20391493abe84c1a9bb58ee88e87f15670c801e2fc5983\\", 1000000]], \\"registers\\": []}]}}]}', 'tags': '{\\"tags_list\\": null}', 'attachments': '{\\"attachments_list\\": []}', 'status': 'Draft', 'is_proposal': True, 'box_height': 0, 'votes': '{\\"votes\\": [0, 0]}'}]\n(Background on this error at:\""

esot321c commented 11 months ago

Is this one related to the database creating the proposal, then the proposal didn't successfully get created?

esot321c commented 11 months ago

Need to handle proposals with the same name: provide form validation at the time to creation

esot321c commented 11 months ago

Lui to improve API error

Marty to add form validation

esot321c commented 11 months ago

Need to make a list of the areas where this error shows up so we can resolve case-by-case.

Bounty of 1000 Paideia to make a list of all the places on the site that throw this error