pail23 / stiebel_eltron_isg_component

Stiebel Eltron ISG integration for Home Assistant
MIT License
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get compressor starts with wpm3 #5

Closed chrissi5120 closed 1 year ago

chrissi5120 commented 1 year ago

do you see any way possible getting "verdichter starts" or "compressor starts" from modbus?

I can't see it in their documentation for wpm3 but lwz devices.

this would be one hell of an interesting number to keep an eye on.

pail23 commented 1 year ago

I don't see a direct way to do this. Maybe the Stiebel Eltron support could help you out. One indirect option could be to count the changes of B6 in register 2501. The drawback would be that you can only count the status changes as long as home assistant is running and you would miss the others. I did not check if this approach would be working.

kucerazdenek commented 1 year ago

this can be done via history stats workaround. I created sensors according to this (number of compressor starts can be done via type count) for heating. from this you can also measure time when this sensor was on.

chrissi5120 commented 1 year ago

Hi @kucerazdenek,

thank you for your suggestion, it is very much appreciated. In my particular case, this will sadly miss the point due to the fact, that water-heating AND heating can be a reason for a compressor starting. This is made "worse" by the fact that after the compressor is for example started for heating, it can just switch to water-heating without stopping.

The number would count much, much more starts than there actually are.

Nonetheless, you just teached me something new about home-assistant, thank you :)

best regards


kucerazdenek commented 1 year ago

Hi @chrissi5120

I know about it, in my case number of starts is just indicative, to be aware when anything would go wrong. I don't care if it heats or heating water, I am interested by compressor starts as such. From that reason I count only heating (not water heating), because in 9 of 10 occurrences, water heating precede heating or vice versa (thus count of compressor starts is still exact). Very rarely (about once/twice a day), I see situation, when it starts to heat, then switch to water heating and then back to heat and my sensor will count 2 starts instead of 1. It is something I can live with. I never seen situation when it would only heat water, as when heat pump switches to summer mode, I use PV for water heating.


Regards, Zdenek

chrissi5120 commented 1 year ago

binary_sensor.stiebel_eltron_isg_compressor should be the solution, since it was implemented:

Somthing like this might work:


counter: stiebel_eltron_compressor_starts: name: "Stiebel Eltron ISG Compressor Starts" step: 1


`- id: track_stiebel_eltron_starts alias: "Track Stiebel Eltron Compressor Starts" trigger: platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor.stiebel_eltron_isg_compressor from: 'off' to: 'on' action: