painty / CSS-Used-ChromeExt

Get all css rules used by the selected DOM and its children.
MIT License
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Font family not being set on text #17

Closed tqwewe closed 5 years ago

tqwewe commented 5 years ago

The url of page inspected.

The element inspected.

body > div:nth-child(2)


<div ui-view="header">...</div>

Expected result.

.text-light {
    font-family: Play, sans-serif;

Actual result.

.text-light {
    font-family: "Times New Roman";
painty commented 5 years ago

Inherited style will not be included. font-family: Play, sans-serif; is defined in body{...}, I guess.

tqwewe commented 5 years ago

Yes it is defined in body. That's such a shame -- the extension is almost perfect. If it could just get inherited styled that would be exactly what I need.

The extension doesn't use getComputedStyle?

painty commented 5 years ago

No, it does not.

It traverses every selector in external css files and