pakerfeldt / android-viewflow

A horizontal view scroller library for Android
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Problem with recycled views #76

Open ghost opened 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

If I scroll trough recycled views, here is some problem with wrong selected view. First is selected wrong view and then is redraw with correct view. But I don't know why ...

steam0r commented 12 years ago

same here, i am using viewflow to scroll through webviews and sometimes it loads the old view, then the new view. this seems to be related to some kind of "flashing" that happens when loading bigger views (like webviews). viewflo seems to reload views on every scroll...and gets confused there sometimes.

tomyZhou commented 11 years ago

hello,I register the github.I‘m zhougang .哈哈

tomyZhou commented 11 years ago

这是TomyZhou,I like this place

robzon commented 11 years ago

Having a similar issue with recycled views. Is there any workaround till this gets fixed?

pakerfeldt commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have the time to maintain this library any longer. Especially not since we have the ViewPager in the compatibility library which in most cases is a much better fit than android-viewflow.

robzon commented 11 years ago

I see, I'll look into ViewPager then. Thanks for the great work!