paketo-buildpacks / procfile

A buildpack for translating a Procfile into Process Types
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 11 forks source link

failed to get platform API version; please set 'CNB_PLATFORM_API' to specify the desired platform API version #239

Open taraszka opened 1 month ago

taraszka commented 1 month ago
$ cd samples/go/mod
$ echo "web: /cnb/process/mod" > Procfile
$ pack build mod-sample --buildpack paketo-buildpacks/go
latest: Pulling from paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-full
Digest: sha256:c635adc0fc34f742ceadbee6d84b7bae0988c69aa63186ef768866e7d171cdd4
Status: Image is up to date for paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-full:latest
latest: Pulling from paketobuildpacks/run-jammy-full
Digest: sha256:29b8d6d812630b52b3bad6c83b108cc437e959d4cc7e4a94c0de927e9e9cb2ca
Status: Image is up to date for paketobuildpacks/run-jammy-full:latest
Restoring data for SBOM from previous image
target distro name/version labels not found, reading /etc/os-release file
5 of 9 buildpacks participating
paketo-buildpacks/ca-certificates 3.8.4
paketo-buildpacks/go-dist         2.5.8
paketo-buildpacks/go-mod-vendor   1.0.35
paketo-buildpacks/go-build        2.2.7
paketo-buildpacks/procfile        5.9.1
Restoring metadata for "paketo-buildpacks/ca-certificates:helper" from app image
Restoring metadata for "paketo-buildpacks/go-dist:go" from cache
Restoring metadata for "paketo-buildpacks/go-mod-vendor:mod-cache" from cache
Restoring metadata for "paketo-buildpacks/go-build:targets" from app image
Restoring metadata for "paketo-buildpacks/go-build:gocache" from cache
Restoring data for "paketo-buildpacks/go-dist:go" from cache
Restoring data for "paketo-buildpacks/go-mod-vendor:mod-cache" from cache
Restoring data for "paketo-buildpacks/go-build:gocache" from cache
Restoring data for SBOM from cache
target distro name/version labels not found, reading /etc/os-release file

Paketo Buildpack for CA Certificates 3.8.4
  Build Configuration:
    $BP_EMBED_CERTS                    false  Embed certificates into the image
    $BP_ENABLE_RUNTIME_CERT_BINDING    true   Deprecated: Enable/disable certificate helper layer to add certs at runtime
    $BP_RUNTIME_CERT_BINDING_DISABLED  false  Disable certificate helper layer to add certs at runtime
  Launch Helper: Reusing cached layer
Paketo Buildpack for Go Distribution 2.5.8
  Resolving Go version
    Candidate version sources (in priority order):
      go.mod    -> ">= 1.15"
      <unknown> -> ""

    Selected Go version (using go.mod): 1.22.5

  Reusing cached layer /layers/paketo-buildpacks_go-dist/go

Paketo Buildpack for Go Mod Vendor 1.0.35
  Executing build process
    Running 'go mod vendor'
      Completed in 49ms

  Generating SBOM for /workspace/go.mod
      Completed in 3ms

Paketo Buildpack for Go Build 2.2.7
  Executing build process
    Running 'go build -o /layers/paketo-buildpacks_go-build/targets/bin -buildmode pie -trimpath .'
      Completed in 319ms

  Generating SBOM for /layers/paketo-buildpacks_go-build/targets/bin
      Completed in 2ms

  Assigning launch processes:
    mod (default): /layers/paketo-buildpacks_go-build/targets/bin/mod

Paketo Buildpack for Procfile 5.9.1
  Process types:
    web: /cnb/process/mod
Reusing layer 'paketo-buildpacks/ca-certificates:helper'
Reusing layer 'paketo-buildpacks/go-build:targets'
Reusing layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:launch.sbom'
Reusing 1/1 app layer(s)
Reusing layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:launcher'
Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:config'
Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:process-types'
Adding label 'io.buildpacks.lifecycle.metadata'
Adding label ''
Adding label 'io.buildpacks.project.metadata'
Setting default process type 'web'
Saving mod-sample...
*** Images (d5fd8a092e83):
Reusing cache layer 'paketo-buildpacks/go-dist:go'
Adding cache layer 'paketo-buildpacks/go-dist:go'
Reusing cache layer 'paketo-buildpacks/go-mod-vendor:mod-cache'
Adding cache layer 'paketo-buildpacks/go-mod-vendor:mod-cache'
Adding cache layer 'paketo-buildpacks/go-build:gocache'
Reusing cache layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:cache.sbom'
Adding cache layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:cache.sbom'
Successfully built image mod-sample

$ docker run --interactive --tty --env PORT=8080 --publish 8080:8080 mod-sample
ERROR: failed to get platform API version; please set 'CNB_PLATFORM_API' to specify the desired platform API version

It seems there is something wrong. I had a similar error with .NET Core Buidpack and Procfile.

Expected Behavior

It should just work.

Current Behavior

ERROR: failed to get platform API version; please set 'CNB_PLATFORM_API' to specify the desired platform API version

Possible Solution


Steps to Reproduce

$ git clone
$ cd samples/go/mod
$ echo "web: /cnb/process/mod" > Procfile
$ pack build mod-sample --buildpack paketo-buildpacks/go
$ docker run --interactive --tty --env PORT=8080 --publish 8080:8080 mod-sample


I am working on a new project written in Go that has to use Paketo buildpacks (as a requirement) and be compatible with Heroku's Procfile. That's it.

taraszka commented 1 month ago

Hmm, interesting. If you run it without Procfile Buildpack, the command that docker run is: /cnb/process/mod I set the same command in a Procfile and got this error: ERROR: failed to get platform API version; please set 'CNB_PLATFORM_API' to specify the desired platform API version When I changed Procfile content to: web: /layers/paketo-buildpacks_go-build/targets/bin/mod, it worked.

dmikusa commented 1 month ago
 echo "web: /cnb/process/mod" > Procfile

You would not want to do this. If there is an entry under /cnd/process/* that already exists, you don't need to also add a Procfile entry. Your entries in Procfile would point to commands that you want it to run to start your app like web: python or web: node index.js or whatever is used to start your app.

In turn, the Procfile buildpack will create corresponding entries for those processes under /cnb/process/*, so if you set a web: python, then you'll end up with /cnb/process/web which will execute python when run.

In your case, the Go buildpack is creating /cnb/process/mod, so you just don't need the Procfile`, unless you have some other command you want to run.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.