pal-robotics / realsense_gazebo_plugin

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How to use with ROS #12

Open ShrutheeshIR opened 4 years ago

ShrutheeshIR commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this repository! I was able to get the basics set up and working. I have the camera spawned in Gazebo and I am able to view the different topic properly. However, my query is regarding moving forward. How do I use this plugin in a real-time code, to get my images. The two relevant Intel Packages are librealsense and realsense-ros Is this package meant to be a substitute for any of them? Can I use the librealsense scripts with this? If so, is there an example code of the same? (I am able to record the images using rosbag and play it, however, I am looking for realtime integration with librealsense) Thanks!

Edit: If it is helpful, I tried to read a rosbag using the librealsense library. If I try to intergrate with librealsense, I get this message : Invalid format, file does not contain topic "/file_version" nor "/FILE_VERSION". i.e. for the library to work, it expects file_version in the rosbag.