pal-robotics / realsense_gazebo_plugin

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Warning: Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported #19

Open HartmannSa opened 3 years ago

HartmannSa commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am using Gazebo 9.0, ros-melodic on an Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS. I cloned this plugin in my catkin_ws/src folder and attached the camera to my robot (via urdf files). In general my world loads and runs, however I always get this warning:

[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported

I am concerned, that the plugin is not working correct. Does anyone know what the solution to this warning is?

vincent-mayer commented 3 years ago

I would also be highly interested in a comment on this.

v-lopez commented 3 years ago

With gazebo 9.11.0-1~bionic on ubuntu 18.04.5 I'm not seeing it.

Are you able to view the RGB, infrared and depth images? If you are I wouldn't give this much more thought.

If not, you could try updating gazebo.