pal-robotics / reem_teleop

Motion retargeting packages for teleoperating REEM.
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possbile bug in motion adaption #17

Closed bit-pirate closed 11 years ago

bit-pirate commented 11 years ago

Just found this conditional in adapt_transforms.cpp -> adaptElbows(), which is only applied to the left arm.

  if(l_elbow_extended_ == true)
    tf_l_elbow_hand_.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(robot_lower_arm_length_, 0.0, 0.0));  

Looks like this has been missed when applying a change.

bit-pirate commented 11 years ago

It has been there since the first commit. So, this change should either be made for both elbows or not at all.

adolfo-rt commented 11 years ago

I leave it up to you to determine if it should go or be applied to both arms. You're the author so you should know best.

bit-pirate commented 11 years ago

True. This issue was more a reminder to myself. Those lines of code have been removed already somewhere in my my commits in the reem_teleop-1.0 branch.