pal-robotics / reem_teleop

Motion retargeting packages for teleoperating REEM.
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Error in motion rosbag #28

Open bit-pirate opened 10 years ago

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

Moved over from

I send the robosem_motion_lala with motion play back. and following error occurred.

[ INFO] [1395736629.777442056]: Controller: switched from trajectory #176 to #177 at t = 0.2s [/robosem/upper_body_controller].
Error:   Received an invalid TCPROS header.  Each line must have an equals sign.
         at line 96 in /tmp/buildd/ros-hydro-cpp-common-0.4.3-0precise-20140303-2233/src/header.cpp
[ INFO] [1395736629.909622907]: Action server: preempted, preparing to merge with the new goal [/robosem/upper_body_controller].
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rosbag::BagFormatException'
  what():  Error parsing header
[ INFO] [1395736629.909779660]: Action server: Sorting incoming trajectory. [/robosem/upper_body_controller]
[ INFO] [1395736629.909879170]: Action server: Finished sorting trajectory. [/robosem/upper_body_controller].
[ INFO] [1395736629.909904422]: Action server: Accepting new action trajectory #178, which is now the active action goal. [/robosem/upper_body_controller].
[ INFO] [1395736629.917205621]: Interpolator: now processing goal 178 [/robosem/upper_body_controller]
[ INFO] [1395736629.917306754]: Interpolator: Trajectories planned to be merged at t = 0.19s. [/robosem/upper_body_controller]
[ INFO] [1395736629.917370198]: Interpolator: Starting interpolation. [/robosem/upper_body_controller]
[ INFO] [1395736629.917863135]: Interpolator: Interpolation done. [/robosem/upper_body_controller]
[ INFO] [1395736629.917925074]: Interpolator: goal trajectory 178 has been successfully processed and was sent to the controller [/robosem/upper_body_controller].
[ INFO] [1395736629.977428373]: Controller: switched from trajectory #177 to #178 at t = 0.2s [/robosem/upper_body_controller].
[rocon_robosem/motion_player-3] process has died [pid 9588, exit code -6, cmd /home/dwlee/work/robosem_motion/devel/lib/motion_retargeting/motion_player_rosbag_fjta __name:=motion_player __log:=/home/dwlee/.ros/log/8d1250f2-b3d9-11e3-8860-5404a6b6da5d/rocon_robosem-motion_player-3.log].
log file: /home/dwlee/.ros/log/8d1250f2-b3d9-11e3-8860-5404a6b6da5d/rocon_robosem-motion_player-3*.log
bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

@dwlee, seems like the rosbag is corrupted:

I'll check what how this can be fixed. Maybe this tool is helpful:

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

Motions also not working:

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

This finally turned out to be a an issue of managing the open and closing of multiple rosbags. Couldn't figure what exactly was the problem - it has something to do with the initialisation of the rosbag::Bag class and assignment to a new instance.

I'm now using boost::shared_ptr, which resolves this issue.