pal-robotics / tiago_simulation
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Replace joint state controller #12

Closed huiwenzhang closed 1 year ago

huiwenzhang commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am using your tiago simulation stacks in ROS indigo, Ubuntu 14.04. I found the published joint state is wrong sometimes, as posted by @jacknlliu in issue in ros_control. The joint state return by joint_state_controller can be very big, e.g. the arm_5_joint returns joint position above 4 rad. However, the joint position limits is [-2.09, 2.09]. Apparently, the joint information is wrong. @jacknlliu declared that using joint_state_publisher plugin in gazebo can solve the problem. So I am trying to do it. Basically what I have done is concluded as follows:

  1. Disable the default joint_state_controller.To do this, I made some changes as follows: (delete this line)
  2. Add joint_state_publisher plugin here: I created another file for titanium robot, because they have different joints as shown in plugin settings (I am not sure should I list all of the movable joints of the robot)
  3. Load the corresponding xarco file

I want to know is there anything else I missed? More importantly, whether the above changes are correct and enough for my purpose.


I tried the code above. I can get the joint position data, but the velocity information is missing, which is empty in my case. What's going on here?


bmagyar commented 6 years ago

The Tiago launch files mirror the same system that is provided with the real robot platform. It would be unwise to change them to hack the sim to your needs.

The issue on ros_control was reported but without proper diagnosis or reproducibility. I'd still recommend investigating there so we can provide a proper fix, if one is needed.

huiwenzhang commented 6 years ago

Yep, you're right. I will keep tracking the issue on ros_control and probably help to formulate the problem with repeatable examples.