paladinarcher / vetsez-ds-demo1-coding-challenge-app

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Fix readme errors #55

Open CraigBuckmaster opened 4 years ago

CraigBuckmaster commented 4 years ago

Notes on how to improve the readme for the following url.

1) In order to install the java jdk, it is requiring me to get an Oracle account, which is kind of annoying.

2) In the readme, installing yarn comes before nodejs, but yarn says nodejs needs to be installed first (msi installation), so it might be good to put nodejs before yarn.

3) for changing options.bat file, maybe change the wording:

"Create a batch file in the Rails root named options.bat and copy the following into it and changing the marked lines as needed for the local environment (Including removing the > at the beginning of the lines):"


"Create a batch file in the Rails root named options.bat and copy the following into it and changing the marked lines (>set...) as needed for the local environment (Including removing the > and < characters the beginning middle and end of the lines):"

4) When I ran bundle install the cmd output ended with Your Ruby version is 2.5.7, but your Gemfile specified 2.5.3. I couldn't find a 2.5.3 version of ruby to download. After I changed line 3 of RailsRoot/Gemfile to ruby '2.5.7', bundle install was able to download and install a bunch of stuff.

5) For some reason the Postgres bin wasn't added to the path after installing it, and I had to add it to the path manually to get the psql -U postgres command to work.

6) I was able to get localhost:3000 running, but I had change the startup.bat file to the following because my %JAVA_HOME% environment variable was set with "/Program Files/" in it. I also had to rerun options.bat.

"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"  -server  -jar %JRUBY_JAR% %GEM_HOME%\bin\trinidad 

7) When I first ran mvn clean package I got the following error:

[INFO] Your Ruby version is 2.5.3, but your Gemfile specified 2.5.7 

When I changed line 3 of the Gemfile back to ruby '2.5.3' and ran options.bat, The build was successful.

8) I would maybe consider adding a url of where to install Docker. I was able to download it from here:

9) After starting Docker Desktop I was able to get the first docker-compose up command working with an admin cmd prompt.

10) docker-compose up –build started tomcat on localhost:8080. I tried to copy the war file to the tomcat container or volume using docker cp, but nothing seemed to simply work.

11) docker-compose down –v got rid of the volume (docker volume ls). It also got rid of the running containers too (I thought it wouldn’t).

12) docker-compose up –d, and docker-compose down worked

13) the commands docker-compose exec dsbpa ls –la and docker-compose logs dsbpa worked. I am not sure how dsbpa gets right container. These are cool commands.

14) In the Selenium section, consider changing the word "downloaded" to "extracted" for the following line:

Add the chromedriver.exe to your Windows PATH. This file can be downloaded from test/selenium