palantir / bulldozer

GitHub Pull Request Auto-Merge Bot
Apache License 2.0
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Support GitHub Merge Queue #297

Open wrslatz opened 2 years ago

wrslatz commented 2 years ago

GitHub announced a new merge queue capability that is currently in limited beta. It allows an additional flow path for merging pull requests by adding them to a merge queue (handled by GitHub Actions behind the scenes). This feature is still relatively undocumented, so we can't take action on this yet, but adding this feature to Bulldozer would help Bulldozer integrate well with this new functionality from GitHub.

Additional resources:

Next steps before implementation could be planned:

Additional features to consider once this one is implemented:

asvoboda commented 2 years ago

Hey @wrslatz,

Thanks for filing this. I think the idea of integrating with the merge queue makes a lot of sense. I think we'll want to wait until the feature is out of public beta to let the API stabilize.

On your points of discussion:

wrslatz commented 1 year ago

Looks like the merge queue is now exposed via API in this latest update! One step closer to GA and adding support for this feature

wrslatz commented 1 year ago might be good as reference