palantir / python-language-server

An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Python
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setup.cfg is not picked up from `~/.config/pycodestyle` #848

Closed kraxli closed 3 years ago

kraxli commented 3 years ago


In contrast do the README / documentation, my setup.cfg is not picked up from ~/.config/pycodestyle

count = False
ignore = E226,E302,E41
max-line-length = 120
statistics = True

Having the same setup.cfg in my project directory works

My environment:

My .vimrc:

let g:lsp_settings = {
\   'filetype': {'python': 'pyls-all'},
\   'pyls': {
\     'workspace_config': {
\         'pyls': {
\             'configurationSources': ['pycodestyle'],
\             'plugins': {
\                 'pydocstyle': {'enabled': v:true},
\                 'pycodestyle': {
\                     'enabled': v:true,
\                 },
\                 'black': {'enable': v:true},
\                 'autopep8': {'enable': v:true},
\             },
\         },
\     },
\   },
\ }
kraxli commented 3 years ago

Adding my vim-lsp.log pyls.log is emtpy (I have set it with pyls --log-file ~/pyls.log)