palantir / python-language-server

An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Python
MIT License
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test failure: test_numpy_hover #906

Open nonamedotc opened 3 years ago

nonamedotc commented 3 years ago

In compiling pyls on fedora 34, test_numpy_hover fails.

workspace = <pyls.workspace.Workspace object at 0x7ffee7483b80>
    def test_numpy_hover(workspace):
        # Over the blank line
        no_hov_position = {'line': 1, 'character': 0}
        # Over 'numpy' in import numpy as np
        numpy_hov_position_1 = {'line': 2, 'character': 8}
        # Over 'np' in import numpy as np
        numpy_hov_position_2 = {'line': 2, 'character': 17}
        # Over 'np' in np.sin
        numpy_hov_position_3 = {'line': 3, 'character': 1}
        # Over 'sin' in np.sin
        numpy_sin_hov_position = {'line': 3, 'character': 4}

        doc = Document(DOC_URI, workspace, NUMPY_DOC)

        contents = ''
        assert contents in pyls_hover(doc, no_hov_position)['contents']

        contents = 'NumPy\n=====\n\nProvides\n'
        assert contents in pyls_hover(doc, numpy_hov_position_1)['contents'][0]

        contents = 'NumPy\n=====\n\nProvides\n'
        assert contents in pyls_hover(doc, numpy_hov_position_2)['contents'][0]

        contents = 'NumPy\n=====\n\nProvides\n'
        assert contents in pyls_hover(doc, numpy_hov_position_3)['contents'][0]

        contents = 'Trigonometric sine, element-wise.\n\n'
>       assert contents in pyls_hover(
            doc, numpy_sin_hov_position)['contents'][0]
E       IndexError: string index out of range
test/plugins/ IndexError

Full log -

Here are the related packages.

  python3-autopep8                 1.5.4-1.fc34                     
  python3-coverage                 5.4-1.fc34                       
  python3-devel                    3.9.1-4.fc34                     
  python3-flake8                   3.8.3-3.fc33                     
  python3-flaky                    3.7.0-1.fc34                     
  python3-jedi                     0.17.2^20200805git209e271-1.fc34 
  python3-jsonrpc-server           0.4.0-1.fc34                     
  python3-matplotlib               3.3.4-1.fc34                     
  python3-mccabe                   0.6.1-17.fc33                    
  python3-mock                     3.0.5-12.fc34                    
  python3-numpy                    1:1.20.0-0.1.rc2.fc34            
  python3-pandas                   1.2.1-1.fc34                     
  python3-pluggy                   0.13.1-2.fc33                    
  python3-pycodestyle              2.6.0-2.fc33                     
  python3-pydocstyle               5.0.2-3.fc33                     
  python3-pyflakes                 2.2.0-2.fc33                     
  python3-pylint                   2.6.0-2.fc34                     
  python3-pytest                   6.0.2-2.fc34                     
  python3-pytest-cov               2.11.1-3.fc34                    
  python3-qt5-base                 5.15.0-5.fc34                    
  python3-rope                     0.18.0-1.fc34                    
  python3-setuptools               52.0.0-1.fc34                    
  python3-ujson                    3.0.0-2.fc33                     
  python3-versioneer               0.18-6.fc33                      
  python3-yapf                     0.30.0-3.fc33      


bnavigator commented 3 years ago
