On DHS we implemented memcache per Acquia Cloud’s documentation (it’s a bit different than what was in the version of the-build that we used as we spun up the project).
We recently learned that the memcache include needed to come after the standard Acquia settings line which is in the settings.acquia.php which is included after settings.acquia-custom.php in our settings.php file.
Any modifications made to the settings.php file should be placed after this require line. Modifications made before the require line may be overridden by Acquia’s required file.
It seems like that aligns with including overrides after the settings files provided by each platform.
If you add additional services to your application, such as Solr, Elasticsearch, or RabbitMQ, you would add configuration for those services to the settings.platformsh.php file as well.
Testing instructions
Jes can validate that making this change in the DHS project codebases fixed the memcache setup. Prior to this change, Drupal was reporting memcache versions and no errors but New Relic was not showing any memcache resourcing being used.
Add your testing instructions here, for example...
phing install migrate
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This PR updates the settings.php file to reverse the include order of the hosting provider boilerplate settings and project-specific settings.
Context from slack conversation:
Notes on Hosting Platform recommendations
From Byron:
Acquia: https://docs.acquia.com/cloud-platform/manage/code/require-line/
It seems like that aligns with including overrides after the settings files provided by each platform.
And, there's this for Pantheon which doesn't say anything about the order, just that it should always be included: https://github.com/pantheon-systems/drops-8/blob/default/sites/default/settings.php#L8-L17
Pantheon docs: https://pantheon.io/docs/guides/php/settings-php#drupal-9
From Jes:
Similar to Pantheon, Platform.sh mentions adding custom settings to their settings file (which needs to be included) but nothing about the order: https://docs.platform.sh/guides/drupal9/deploy/customize.html#settingsphp
Testing instructions
Jes can validate that making this change in the DHS project codebases fixed the memcache setup. Prior to this change, Drupal was reporting memcache versions and no errors but New Relic was not showing any memcache resourcing being used.
phing install migrate
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