paldepind / flyd

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A case against Promise swallowing #167

Closed nordfjord closed 6 years ago

nordfjord commented 6 years ago

I'd like to make a few points about promise swallowing and how it is actually a harmful feature.

It breaks map

map should follow some laws

  1. is equivalent to,g))
  2. => d) is equivalent to f

Now let's try those laws out with promises

const filter = stream('');
// assume the results are of form {content: Result[]}
const getResults = f => fetch(`${baseurl}/search?q=${f}`);
const results1 = filter

const results2 = filter
  .map(compose(prop('content'), getResults);

isEqual(results1, results2) // false

Promise swallowing actually makes it unsafe to refactor map using the mathematical laws it's supposed to follow.

It breaks ordering

Imagine the same example as above

const filter = stream('');
// assume the results are of form {content: Result[]}
const getResults = f => fetch(`${baseurl}/search?q=${f}`);

const results = filter

flyd.on(drawDOM, results);
document.querySelector('input.filter').addEventListener('input', filter);

Since the code handling promises in flyd is just


No ordering is guaranteed. So if I quickly write some filter like: 'res', then 3 promises are generated and they can be resolved in any order, the stream will always contain the last resolved promise.

How do we fix these issues

It's simple, remove promise swallowing in favour of a fromPromise method

let's take the same example and rewrite it using the fromPromise helper

const filter = stream('');
const getResults = f => fetch(`${baseurl}/search?q=${f}`);

const results = filter
  .pipe(chain(compose(fromPromise, getResults)))

flyd.on(drawDOM, results);
document.querySelector('input.filter').addEventListener('input', filter);

Now what has changed?

  1. We're no longer breaking map
  2. Ordering is guaranteed since we're always generating a new stream and chain stops listening to the old stream as soon as a new one is generated.
nordfjord commented 6 years ago

@paldepind gave this example of something difficult to refactor here

  .map((result) => result.done ? true : doEvenMoreAsyncStuff(result.workLeft));

An example refactor would be:

  .pipe(chain(compose(fromPromise, doSomeAsyncStuff)))
  .pipe(chain(compose(fromPromise, doMoreAsyncStufff)))
  .pipe(chain(result => result.done
    ? stream(true)
    : fromPromise(doEvenMoreAsyncStuff(result.workLeft))

What is the benefit of this?

  1. we're now explicit about our datastructures
  2. we can control the behaviour of promises inside streams.
    • Do we handle exceptions in the promise?
    • Do we end the stream on resolve?
    • Do we end the stream on reject?
nordfjord commented 6 years ago

@dmitriz commented on #166

Considering the above example

// this function returns Promise, which is not FL compliant
const getResults = filter => requestPromise('' + filter);

const result$ = filter$
  .pipe(chain(fromPromise))  // chaining non-FL-compliant function

Would the following syntax not be simpler and FL-compliant:

// convert to FL-compliant stream right away
// a -> Stream b
const getResultsStream = filter => fromPromise(
    requestPromise('' + filter)

// Get Stream b by chaining Stream a ~> (a -> Stream b) -> Stream b
const result$ = filter$
    // use the ordinary monadic `chain` on Streams
nordfjord commented 6 years ago

first things first: We're deprecating the .map, .ap, .of methods in favour of namespaced fantasy-land ones.

so s.pipe(chain(f)) is equivalent tos['fantasy-land/chain'](f)

I agree with your premise that converting right away to stream is simpler. My main point in the example was to show in as few changed lines as possible how to convert from the old style promise swallowing to fromPromise

You could use

const result$ = filter$
-  .map(getResults)
+  .pipe(chain(compose(fromPromise, getResults)));

Which is equivalent to

const result$ = filter$
-  .map(getResults)
+  ['fantasy-land/chain'](compose(fromPromise, getResults));

To get a one line diff

c-dante commented 6 years ago

I support this removal from the internals of streams -- if only from the angle that flyd should only be concerned with stream dependencies and updates. A module can be used if you want something like "flyd-as-promised" or similar.

Baking it into the library has the side effects you pointed out with, I'd argue, little benefit.

paldepind commented 6 years ago


Promise swallowing actually makes it unsafe to refactor map using the mathematical laws it's supposed to follow.

Good point. It's actually worse than just breaking the laws. It also breaks the types of the Functor map. The type of map should be:

map<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;

I.e. if we map with a function that returns B we should get a Stream<B> back. But, if the function returns Promise<B> we get Stream<B> instead of Stream<Promise<B>>.

Baking it into the library has the side effects you pointed out with, I'd argue, little benefit.

Thank you for weighing in as well @c-dante 👍 It's good to get some input before we start removing features 😉

I'm convinced that we need to get rid of the inbuilt promise handling.

But, I don't think fromPromise is a good enough replacement.

Consider the following example:

  .pipe(scan((sum, n) => sum + n, 0));

If I refactor the above using the approach in I arrive at

  .pipe(chain(compose(fromPromise, fetchNumberAsync)))
  .pipe(scan((sum, n) => sum + n, 0));

However, these two pieces of code do not do the same thing. There is a subtle difference (please correct me if I'm wrong here @nordfjord). If two numbers are rapidly fetched after each other then the chain will unsubscribe from the first one and listen to the last one. This means that some numbers can get missed and that the count, in the end, migth turn out incorrect.

There are at least two different behaviors when handling promises:

The fast that we can support the first behavior is a really good thing. But if we remove promise shallowing we need a good migration story for people who currently rely on the last behavior as well.

I think we need a function like this (maybe not with that name though).

function flattenPromise<A>(stream: Stream<Promise<A>>): Stream<A> { ... }

The function should behave so that with the current promise shallowing is identical to flattenPromise(

With this function the example in becomes:

  .map((result) => result.done ? true : doEvenMoreAsyncStuff(result.workLeft));

It's still slightly more code but is probably an easier refactor to than the other one.

What do you think about that?

nordfjord commented 6 years ago

Agreed, I didn't think about the case when ordering doesn't matter and promises can't be dropped. The flattenPromise utility would be trivial to implement.

// flattenPromise :: Stream (a | Promise a) -> Stream a
const flattenPromise = promise$ => {
  const s = stream();
  promise$.map(promise => {
     // debatable whether we need this
     // maybe we should force people to explicitly
     // return promises from the stream
     if (isPromise(promise)) promise.then(s);
     else s(promise);
  return s;

I'm purposefully omitting end stream mechanisms in the example above.

We could simplify the migration a bit as well by utilising compose

// mapPromise :: (a -> (b | Promise b)) -> Stream a -> Stream b
const mapPromise = compose(flattenPromise, map);
  .pipe(mapPromise(result => result.done
    // if we need to explicitly return promises then:
    // ? Promise.resolve(true)
    ? true
    : doEvenMoreAsyncStuff(result.workLeft)
paldepind commented 6 years ago


It seems that we agree 😺 I'm wondering a bit out how we should remove promise shallowing. We could deprecate it and log errors like you did in #166. That would work. But the types would also be wrong and the promise shallowing would still be there with its problems. Alternatively, we could just remove it an release a new major version?

We could also merge #166 as it is now and then immediately afterward create a new major release with promise handling removed and with flattenPromise and fromPromise?

nordfjord commented 6 years ago

I think you nailed it with releasing deprecations as 0.2.x and immediately release a new major release.

This gives users the new features of #166 without breaking existing code, and allows them to transition fairly quickly to a new major version, they can even use the typescript types as helpers in the migration process.

nordfjord commented 6 years ago

Hey @paldepind

I've been thinking about this for the past few days.

Is it absolutely necessary to include both flattenPromise and fromPromise?

I think we should make an effort to solve the 99% use case in the core and maybe add flattenPromise as a flyd module.

I think having two methods to turn a promise into a stream in core is going to be confusing for users.

What do you think?

paldepind commented 6 years ago

@nordfjord I'm not sure I agree that having both is confusing. They do different things that are both "reasonable"? If properly documented I think people will be able to figure it out 😄 In fact I think they are quite different. One of them turns Promise<A> into Stream<A> and the other turns Stream<Promise<A>> into Stream<A>.

But I'm not opposed to having one of them in a module. Maybe we could even have both in a module? Another alternative for Flyd is to adopt ES modules. Then we could export all modules from one file and tree-shaking (as of Webpack 4) would take care of removing any unused modules.